Ossi89 replied to the topic 30 properties before 25, finance??? in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Thank you all, greatly appreciated!
Ossi89 replied to the topic 30 properties before 25, finance??? in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Thank you everyone for the great advice!
Richard, your information was very helpful, that really clears a few things up for me!
One more thing I am trying to get my head around is exactly how using equity in one ip as the deposit for another ip works. For example, if I was looking to buy a $200,000 ip, currently have $20, 000 equity in my first…[Read more]
Ossi89 replied to the topic 30 properties before 25, finance??? in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Thanks Terry. I am looking at a property at the moment, currently renting for 210pw. As a rough guide, does this mean the banks will add $168 to my regular income when assessing me for another loan?Thanks,Oz.
Ossi89 replied to the topic 30 properties before 25, finance??? in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Can anyone tell me how the banks work out an individual's borrowing capacity for positively geared investment properties? For example, if I have an ip that currently rents for 200 per week, with repayments of 190per week, and I want to buy another identical property. How much of the $200 per week I receive in rent will the banks add to my income?…[Read more]
Ossi89 replied to the topic 30 properties before 25, finance??? in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Thanks Richard. Yes please, I would love to read the article. As I mentioned previously I am just starting out so am open to all new ideas an suggestions. If you have any other information in relation to building wealth through property it would be greatly appreciated if you could forward this to me. Email address is bjr124@gmail.com.Thanks again!
Ossi89 replied to the topic 30 properties before 25, finance??? in the forum Thank you all for the great 14 years ago
Thank you all for the great advice!!
Jamie and Terry, I had a look into what Nathan Birch has done, its amazing! So what he does is basically buy properties below market value, properties that are positively geared (or neutral), renovate which creates equity and then use that equity as the deposit for his next ip. Is my interpretation of his…[Read more]
Ossi89 replied to the topic 30 properties before 25, finance??? in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Thank you all for the great advice!!Jamie and Terry, I had a look into what Nathan Birch has done, its amazing! So what he does is basically buy properties below market value, properties that are positively geared (or neutral), renovate which creates equity and then use that equity as the deposit for his next ip. Is my interpretation of his…[Read more]
Ossi89 replied to the topic 30 properties before 25, finance??? in the forum Wow, I didn’t expect a 14 years ago
Wow, I didn't expect a response that quickly, I like this site already, thanks Wade! I am very interested in what you said about using the equity in one ip to buy another. Based on the research I did before buying my property in Orange I am confident that I bought it lower than market value. How could I continue to use the equity in my pr…[Read more]
Ossi89 replied to the topic 30 properties before 25, finance??? in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Wow, I didn't expect a response that quickly, I like this site already, thanks Wade! I am very interested in what you said about using the equity in one ip to buy another. Based on the research I did before buying my property in Orange I am confident that I bought it lower than market value. How could I continue to use the equity in my pr…[Read more]
Ossi89 started the topic 30 properties before 25, finance??? in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Hi, this is my first post on this site (I only joined 30 minutes ago). I am 21 years old, live in Sydney and have just bought my first investment property in Orange, NSW. I keep hearing stories about people under 30 on average incomes who have over 30 investment properties. My property in Orange essentially pays for itself so I would love to buy…[Read more]