oscar replied to the topic Townhouse construction costs in Melbourne in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
jazz77 wrote:
If you dont have a builders licence you will have to go owner builder.You cant do multi unit work as an owner builder anymore.Yes you can. For example, buy a block with your brother/sister etc. You can owner build 2 dwellings on the block where each individual has one each.
oscar replied to the topic how to subdivide in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Don't forget to call the relevant water authority to determine if there are any flood overlays. Oscar
oscar replied to the topic Using mortgage broker vs. applying directly to the bank ? in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Derek wrote:
Not a broker.Always use a broker because of their;1. Knowledge.2. Tailor made finance package.3. Loan structuring.4. Access to multiple lenders.5. Focus is on customer's needs and not the bank's need for security.Always???? I don't think so. I've had better outcomes, especially with development loans, going direct. All 5 points…[Read more]
oscar replied to the topic Govt buying up big blocks. in the forum DWolfe wrote:Anyone got any 15 years ago
DWolfe wrote:
Anyone got any experience with this. A few REA have been rattling on about DHS (Vic) buying up large sub-dividable blocks, or whole blocks of units etc in areas. Anyone heard this rattle? My question would be, does this mean I have to compete with Tom, Dick, Harry and KRUDD to develop? Does this work in a plus that I can flog off…[Read more]oscar replied to the topic Zoning in Victoria in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Each council is different. Start by calling them or a local surveyor.
oscar replied to the topic Where can i find Positive Gear property in Victori in the forum Creative Investing 18 years ago
Buy below market value, rent out at market value or slightly higher with a few creative techniques (not difficult).
Worth buying? Well thats your opinion. The above strategy is fact which I have completed many times this year and as recently as last week. Hard? No! Easy? Not as easy as picking an apple of a tree.
Good luck!
Oscar [biggrin]
oscar replied to the topic Vendor Finance Association? in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago
Last time i checked it wasn’t up and running. It was a voluntary run site and i guess the volenteers just ran out.
Way off there Richard. It still operates. Melbourne runs smoothly and is getting bigger and better. Check out: http://www.financewraps.asn.au/default.php
Nathan: Join up and if from melbourne come along. Its only $150 for the…[Read more]
oscar replied to the topic Good wrap lawyers in Victoria in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
I use Frank Libman. Very experienced and has done work with Steve. You can call him on 9888 6255.
oscar replied to the topic Can you help? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Hi Steve
1. Discussion on development finance
2. Raising funds through equity partners
3. Discussion on the Psychology of investing.Cheers
Oscar [thumbsupanim]
oscar replied to the topic strategies for the future in the forum General Property 20 years ago
coops t
whats wrong with buying property and then sitting on your arse and waiting for the value to rise? Easiest way to make money provided you choose well located properties with scarcity value and you are able to service the debt comfortably with appropriate risk management e.g. interest rates, vacancies.
Bill Zheng (finance guru) showed a…[Read more]
oscar replied to the topic Interest rates in the forum General Property 20 years ago
“Thing is I do not intent to get out.”
easy answer….DON’T!
oscar replied to the topic Would You Sell? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi Marisa
Without knowing much about your future goals via property, I would be reluctant to sell a property which has grown above the avarage growth rate.
E.G. property worth $350k…annual growth rate of 9.5% = $33250 (on avarage). Surely this is far more than any maintenance required per year. That amount is also greater than $10k p.a…[Read more]
oscar replied to the topic Which one would YOU wrap? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Giddo and foundation
Would you sell your own home if it went down by 10-15%?? I dont think so and nor will many others…INCLUDING wrappees!!
I take it both have not constrcuted a wrap deal???
Oscar [cigar]
oscar replied to the topic which lenders finance wraps in the forum Finance 20 years ago
PM me and i’ll put you through the finance person we use that allows wraps.
Cheers [aacool]
oscar replied to the topic Cameron Bird RE in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago
They are really a marketing company more so now. Previously more accounting stuff.
I haven;t dealt with them personally, however, I know I can buy better property myself. It seems they play the ‘cashflow’ lines on overpriced property through depreciation and rental guarantees.
oscar replied to the topic Rich in Money Poor in Time – Seeking Partner. in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
If you are interested in JV’s for wraps/vendor finance transactions feel free to PM me.
oscar replied to the topic Guerrilla Real Estate? in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago
I have been dealing with Stuart for close to 2 years…fantastic guy!
I wouldn’t compare him with the guys on the seminar circuit…he makes his money by finding deals for himself and his chosen investor clients. The amount of deals he has going at any given point is just amazing.
I have completed a few deals with Stu and its been…[Read more]
oscar replied to the topic INTEREST RATES 9% 2005 6 in the forum General Property 21 years ago
If people put the same amount of energy they put into worrying about interest rates to putting together DEALS, it won’t be a huge issue!!
You should put your more energy into things you CAN control.
As for interest rates, all you need to do is make an opinion and be prepared for any future movements…..not predict it.
Cheers [baaa]
oscar replied to the topic Room for movment buying through wraps in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Can very, but generally the following:
1. 10-20% margin on market price of the property
2. 1-2% interest margin
3. as for repayments, it varies from area to area. i.e. market price on properties. I’m completing one at the moment where the repayments are $225 per week and the market price of the property is $115k.As Leigh suggested…[Read more]
oscar replied to the topic Property Wanted in Melbourne in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago
Where are you planning on buying into?
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