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Double Korona

  • Hi,

    I’ve been reading a few books on property investments and each author has their own opinion as to what represents strong capital growth and high rental yields. Can anyone tell me what would be:
    1) a strong annual average growth, would it be 8, 10 or 12% p.a?
    2) a high gross rental yield, would it be 3, 4 or 5% p.a.?



  • Double Korona started the topic Settlement terms – Buying time in the forum Creative Investing 9 years, 2 months ago

    I haven’t got much expertise in this topic. Could anyone help me with the following?

    1) What is an unconditional settlement term?
    2) What is considered a short settlement term?
    3) What is the maximum settlement term that can be negotiated?
    4) In a seller’s market, what tactics can be applied for delaying settlement?

  • After obtaining a building inspection prior to settlement and on the condition there are defects to be found, would there be any advantage of using the building inspection costs as a bargaining tool that will go towards deducting the cost of repairs from the final offer in any way?

    In this case, the buyer would be liable for any repairs before…[Read more]

  • Double Korona became a registered member 9 years, 2 months ago

Double Korona

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