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  • operator replied to the topic Urgent-I might have found an opportunity??? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Take your time there are plenty of houses on the market for free &the cost of removal varies on where your taking it to,the height, the width etc.Its obviously brick veneer so the bricks would have to be demolished & dumped extra cost & the house reclad.Ads in the Building Materials section of newspapers regularly give away free houses or…[Read more]

  • operator replied to the topic Making Offers in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Endless

    Australian Property Investor Sept issue has a feature article on buyers tactics.You can pick it up from most newsagents.

    Regards Ian


  • operator replied to the topic Fibro Renos in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Wetting down wont really help as the water does not penetrate inside the fibro.My spelling doesn’t seem to good it should be bagged and approved.

    Regards Ian

    This is not a 100% description of asbestos removal so contact an association and or email me.


  • operator replied to the topic Fibro Renos in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    They are normally flat & break between the nails.When this happens place them in a plastic bag marked asbestos.When the bag is not to heavy,my rule,it should be double baggeg then taped up ready for an appraved tip site.

    Rgards Ian


  • operator replied to the topic Fibro Renos in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    I work with asbestos & you have to make sure the cover strips are not fibro (asbestos/cement) when you remove them.When removing any cornice,cover strips,architraves or skirtings a pinch bar or large screwdriver & hammer is used making sure any point of contact is against the timber work that it is nailed in to or it will crack releasing small…[Read more]

  • operator replied to the topic SHOULD I OR SHOULDN’T I in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks for the advise.Sorry about the yelling I
    am also new to computers

