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  • o2bfree replied to the topic Caveats?? in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    “I suggest you get legal advice asap”
    Hi Bill,
    Yeah figured that but thanks anyway.
    I have alraedy spoken to a solicitor but not really her field so guess I will have to persue it elseware. Guess there is never a quick fix to these sorts of issues

  • o2bfree replied to the topic Getting Finance without a permanent job. in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Hi, Pretty new to this also but excuse my ignorance …. what is “lo doc & no doc loans???

  • o2bfree replied to the topic positive verses negatively geared properties in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Exellent post and thought provoking!!
    I to, believe that there are advantages & disadvantages to both PGP’s & NGP’s and consideration must be given to creating a balanced portfolio.
    For me, I believe that several PGP’s should be sought to support the NGP – say a 4:1 or 5:1 ratio.
    This way, most unforseen but inevitable circumstances, such as…[Read more]

  • o2bfree replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi all,
    Great site and great info!![:D] My wife (of 8 days) !![:X]) is a nurse and I am an estimator for a building company.
    We both have the same values and goals and plan to purchase sufficient IP’s over the next 5 yrs to enable us to semi retire and travel this great country. Have read Steves new book and many others on “the road to financial…[Read more]

  • o2bfree replied to the topic capital gains and building write off in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Doogs,

    Isn’t it just typical of the ATO (and all other government dept’s for that matter) everything they say is always very much in the ‘grey area’ to be interpreted depending on whether they had a good or bad hair day[:)] and most accountants don’t understand them either – leaving you and us all wondering whose butt is going to be chewed by…[Read more]

  • o2bfree replied to the topic Sell Home, Rent & Invest. in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Andy,
    New to all this but given what we ( my wife of 1 week, and I) are planning to do, I would have to say “go for it”.
    Between us, we each have our own home and an IP property each. Haven’t done all the sums as yet but our goal is to buy sufficient IP’s with in the next five years, then get a bus with trailer for the suzi & 2 motor bikes pack…[Read more]

  • o2bfree replied to the topic advice please in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Im looking for opinions on my idea of buying an investment unit or townhouse in Cairns, Queensland. the property is 81k rents for 130 a week, close to beach and town centre, i know little about cairns other than its growing rapidly and its nice and sunny, by the way great site .

    Sound like a goer to me.
    Cairns is a great place and an area…
    [Read more]
