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  • Profile photo of NZRoseNZRose
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Tanya,
    I’d like to answer you woman to woman as I am one who has lived through several reno’s and extensions (with young children in tow!)

    Your list of things to be done is the simple part – what is affected by doing those rounds out the list.

    There are times when the work seems to be racing along (have you ever watched the progress of a new house being built?) and there are times when you are wondering what on earth is happening.

    I believe it is essential to maintain a positive view on what you are doing as coping with the disruptions in a house where you are living can be difficult. [chill] Short termpain for long term gain – so if you control the “pain” and see that in perspective then the gain is going to be immense!!

    Enjoy, enjoy and congratulations!!


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