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  • nw1 replied to the topic investment property in Thailand in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 9 months ago

    I have looked extensively at buying land or a house and land in Thailand. What the other posters say is correct, a foreigner can buy a condo – as long as the total foreign ownership in the complex is 49% or less. Usually this isn’t a problem. If you want to go this way, I have found that properties 2 to 5 years old are probably the safest.…[Read more]

  • nw1 replied to the topic Defence Housing. Thoughts? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 9 months ago

    I looked hard at DHA properties a year or so ago. As some of the other posters mentioned, the return is a pretty slow drag @ around 4%. Of course, risk = return and they are parctically hazard free investments. The entry prices were a bit rich for my blood, as I prefer small fish properties under 150k. Anyhow, go to the link below and sign up for…[Read more]

  • nw1 replied to the topic Tenant just won’t move in! in the forum No Subject 19 years, 10 months ago

    Hi, I presume you’ve asked the neighbour to call you if any activity is seen at your house? The electricity meter is a good idea, (both reading it and switching it off for a time).

    Did you mean that the c/link letters in the letterbox are addressed to the new but absent tenants? If so, they are in breach of the law as C/link requires a current[Read more]


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