I have one of the SMSF trust deeds in my office. This company has been around for a long time and the deeds have been vet by many banks and accountants alike. To say any deed is a sure thing would be suicide, but from all accounts this firm has been and will be around for the long term. Further, The owner is also very giving of his time. I have…[Read more]
I think you may have missed the point, What I am saying is that while Buffet says Diversification = ZERO. His actions spell out a different story.Stocks = CheckBusiness = CheckCash = CheckProperty = CheckLet me make this clear, I only have admiration for Mr Buffet!http://www.birchcorp.com.au
Matt, the concern is not the idea, but the critical remarks towards professionals in the game all while breaking one of the most critical rules in planning (diversification).Since 2000, one corner of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK ) empire has quietly built the nation's (US) second-largest real estate brokerage operation.…[Read more]
Warren Buffet doesn't diversify? Have you seen his real estate? Not too mention his $37 Billion cash account that he had a problem with in 2006 and that he always maintains? Need I go on…….Like you have mentioned, I think I will let you sort out the 1066 problems with this one.http://www.birchcorp.com.au
Ben,You have mentioned a relative may rent the property- I think you will find the ATO has issues surrounding non-arm's length income- both purchase and income must be from an unrelated party.http://www.birchcorp.com.au
Most good banks throw in the offset account with all the other bells and whistles at no cost. It can be a fantastic tool once you know how to use it. That being said, it may not be as effective with two borrowers- i.e who gets to spend the cash? http://www.birchcorp.com.au
I am not critical of the numbers, just the aggressive attitude towards Planners / brokers etc. not only on this post, but on others as well. I remember your unsophisticated investor post about professionals in the western suburbs…..Further, you cannot simply come up with an idea just because the numbers stuck up, think of what would happen to…[Read more]
Speak to people with large portfolio's of property and educate yourself completely so you can see through the sales pitch that is often delivered. Most importantly be patient, and contrary to your beliefs – learn the advantages of not paying things off. You require the mindset of the wealthy to play in this game…… http://www.birchcorp.com.au
Although Saka888 is a little ruthless, I am going to back his/her post, Property investing is about time in the game, With that in mind, you have many hours / days and years to research. In my line of work, I get a real look into the industry, you should not rely and put your faith in one system or operator. Education is important, but not at t…[Read more]
I worked with an SMSF specialist for a period of my life. What I found was that a SMSF purchasing a property is good, but not suitable for everyone. i.e. it is very good if your want to buy commercial property and lease it to yourself. What I did learn, Mum's and Dad's were often better suited to purchase external to super. Why do you want to re…[Read more]
I am assuming you are a couple. That is the danger of taking advice from sites like these where all your personal details are not given. If you are a couple the above answer works, if you are single – then Terryw applies.http://www.birchcorp.com.au
A super fund cannot purchase your PPOR, must comply with in-house Asset rules. That would also be a ticket for a massive property explosion. Further, property may still be purchased using instalment warrants as the regulations exist today. I have noted you are quick to bad mouth groups such as FP's (generalisations are often dangerous). Many…[Read more]
There are ways around land tax in NSW when you have properties in invidual names- not joint tenants(look at this first). Look at the family tax laws to have the names changed without stamp duty consequences, Then you can buy property at your back door again….. There are ways around everything, just keep looking and be innovative.I agree wth…[Read more]
ANZ does their vals with three different formats, computer, kerbside and full valuation- you can basically upgrade the val at the brokers discretion….The problem is not the banks, remember the variance in vals is from the valuation company. Your broker will often give you a solution to beating the valuation problem…..http://www.birchcorp.com
The money you put down is called a holding deposit and is not unusual to put this down. It shows good faith that you are serious about the purchase and the agent should not sell the property to someone else without your consent (although they legally can). If the 10 days expires, which it will, before you get formal approval. You may ask for an…[Read more]
You will find that all lenders have a strange valuations from time to time. I had one knocked back from STG (not good enough for mortgage purposes) due to the fact their was rust on the under-side bearers ($5000 to repair). Stick with ANZ, but get your broker to process this with another lender at the same time. I often put loans in with two…[Read more]