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  • nsellar replied to the topic Stuck on next step in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks to all for advice, i think i will sit tight for a while with what i have, The property's i have are in area's where i am confident they will see big capital growth.I originally brought my Perth property in 2005 this has gone up in value big time which has allowed me to borrow against it and buy property in south oz, but now looks like the…[Read more]

  • nsellar replied to the topic Tax Querie in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 11 months ago

    OK thanks guys
    so what can be claimed as a depriciable item and what cant?

  • nsellar replied to the topic investor finance in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Thanks Kim
    They sound like just what i am looking for hopefully they can help me out,currently i have 1 property on the coast south of perth and as everyone knows the growth in the west has been excellent, i want to restructure my loans so i can use the equity in this property to buy cash flow positive property’s, hopefully this shouldnt be too hard

  • nsellar replied to the topic investor finance in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    thanks for the reply,
    I will go along to the information night and see what they are all about


  • nsellar replied to the topic HAS ANYONE MADE IT in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 7 months ago

    thanks todd,
    the one property i have is brand new and was only completed in december 05, tennants moved in around the start of feb, so no i havnt had a depreciation scedule done on my IP, not sure what one is anyway.and also when people talk about positive cash flow properties are they talking about all costs involved eg, maintenance,rates + taxes…[Read more]


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