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  • norto1 replied to the topic How much CGT would be payable? in the forum Thanks heaps for the 14 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks heaps for the replies, Yeah we have taken all that on board with regard to the new opportunity the only thing we had not calculated was the CGT so it's good to know where we will stand with regard to it, so we can better work out if the new venture is viable or not.Norto

  • norto1 replied to the topic Aussie rob in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 4 months ago

    A guy I work with spent the money on Aussie Rob and even went as far as one of his upgrades , he followed this system to the point studied it and paper traded it for 6 months before he went into the real time market and then after 3 months of trading real time dropped it , he said that if he had  just done his own research and started trading s…[Read more]

  • norto1 replied to the topic Accurate measurements of profit in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 6 months ago

    Mike,Mate I am very much a newbie when it comes to this but I have done a spreadsheet with some rough calculations on it I would be happy to send it to your email if you would like ,Unless someone can tell me whether or not I can put it as an attachment in this post.regards,Norto.

  • norto1 replied to the topic Best solution for first Property Investment in the forum Finance 15 years, 7 months ago

    Yeah Richard you are right the other loans are not secured against our house they were written before we got our home loan.Thanks for the reply.I will send you an email Richard.Kind Regards,Courtney.


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