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  • nona replied to the topic MINING TOWNS in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    Miccalady- $60 is all the individual pays and BMA pays the remainder- however this is currently being revised, I have heard the cap will be $800pw. I know they have a housing allocation scheme whereby operators etc are allowed a 3bedroom house and supervisors etc a 4 bedroom. I don’t work for BMA however and hear this info through colleagues (I…[Read more]

  • nona replied to the topic Accountant wanted in regards to LAHA in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years, 11 months ago

    Hi John,
    I use to work in expatriate tax and would provide advice on LAFHA- this is going back a few years so the law may have changed slightly from then (2004). To be LAFH you generally have to actually move you and your family to a new location for 2 years or more. If the ATO digs deep into your situation you may find that you aren’t actually…[Read more]

  • nona replied to the topic QLD mining towns in the forum I live in Moranbah and work 14 years, 11 months ago

    I live in Moranbah and work in a mine here in mgmt and can say that things are on the move again. We have tried to buy a few properties, only to lose out to multiple offers or the house selling on the spot to someone on the agent’s buyer’s list- All well priced houses don’t make it to the internet, they all sell within the first few days. Rents…[Read more]

  • nona replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    Just came across this thread and thought I'd add my 2 cents worth. I live in Moranbah and work in Mgmt at one of the coal mines so have a pretty good idea of what is happening with coal prices and demand etc.  I can definitely say Moranbah is heating up again.  We have tried to buy several properties only to contend with multiple offers or the p…[Read more]


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