Nomad replied to the topic this may sound like a dumb question in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
popular place of residence
productive place of residence
positive place or residence
Just to name a few
Love your greativity,[8D] (Creative thing’s can only be Great) what about Positive Property or Rental (eg CarParking Spaces)- Has / dose anyone looked at Car Parks? Are the a good return?
Nomad replied to the topic Northern Territory/Darwin investors in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hi Dave,
Yes i’m in the N.T At the moment and would be glad to catch up to talk property.
how have you found the market here so far?Nomad replied to the topic The book… it’s nearly here! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Congrat’s Steve, count me on for a copy too. I know how far you have come!Sorry i can’t make it to your Book launch, I’m sure that it will be a great day for you and Jules will be proud of you.
Are you going to let us in on the Title?All the best.
Nomad replied to the topic Need help-PI under company in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Curious to know if your company purchased a property, could it then lease it to you as a person? Are there any leagal problems with this? Any help would be appreciated
Nomad replied to the topic Joint ventures in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hi New Investor
I’m considering a JV as well, and will share my thoughts with you.1 SHARING EXPENSES?
Well i don’t think it matters, as long as all parties agree, and are happy with the way that costs and returns are divided. I guess that you could use an accountant if like or just have a simple excell spread sheet to keep track of things.Do you…[Read more]