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  • Profile photo of NoGuruNoGuru
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 6
    loran wrote:
    Hi, I was just looking for info on Playgound Constuctions to complain to the ACCC about them refusing to return money to me, when I found this forum. Steven Molnar was connected with 21st Century Academy – a gifted speaker who conducted talks at their seminars. 21st Century Academy also had dealings with Playground Constructions…who bought out a business from 21st CA. it lead to my being refused my money back, even after 21st C A promised that they had Playgrounds uphold the pledge to return money at any time. 21st CA failed to communicate with me after many communications about it from myself. 21st CA also promoted Lifestyle Trader…. I wasn't all that impressed with them either – another story though.

    The boss at Playground is Ozzie Kheir. His email is [email protected]. The company address is 2 Drewery Lane, Melbourne. Good luck.

    Profile photo of NoGuruNoGuru
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 6

    I think that the warning is to ensure that any properties that you buy either directly or indirectly from these Empowernet guys will value up with a bank valuer sufficiently to enable you to settle. I understand that some buyers of properties in past projects such as the ones mentioned in wadsofat's post are struggling at the moment..!!!

    Profile photo of NoGuruNoGuru
    Join Date: 2007
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    I think the key question to look into is how much the values of the properties in Wyndham Waters have been pumped up by these jokers. They typically have to do this to pay for their huge marketing costs and the unreasonable profit margins that they have to justify.

    Buyers should compare the value of the properties that these guys are spruiking compared to what else is being sold in the area. Based on my discussions with valuers, there is a high likelihood that the Playground properties will not value up, either now or at settlement – which will leave buyers in a real quandary. Do you settle at that point or walk away..???? And what rights will Playground have to enforce their contracts..???? Buyers beware.

    Profile photo of NoGuruNoGuru
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 6

    I think the key question to look into is how much the values of the properties in Wyndham Waters have been pumped up by these jokers. They typically have to do this to pay for their huge marketing costs and the unreasonable profit margins that they have to justify.

    Buyers should compare the value of the properties that these guys are spruiking compared to what else is being sold in the area. Based on my discussions with valuers, there is a high likelihood that the Playground properties will not value up, either now or at settlement – which will leave buyers in a real quandary. Do you settle at that point or walk away..???? And what rights will Playground have to enforce their contracts..???? Buyers beware.

    Profile photo of NoGuruNoGuru
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 6

    Do they get a commission..? Is the Pope Catholic?

    It is all about the hard sell to the unsuspecting and the gullible. The business model is all about shifting over valued properties and I suspect massive commissions get paid to the various parties involved in the sales process (none of whom are accredited real estate agents. This is classic NII and for my money, I think Henry Kaye has his fingerprints all over this scam.

    Jenman, Brailey…..Hello? Where are you?

    I know this is a little late but I attended the free 2 day seminar in melbourne and I found their information to be useful, however there is always a hard sell at the end of ewach segment. I never went to the 5 day seminar, however if it was as much of a hard sell as the 2 day seminar was, then I do think it may have been disappointing.

    a question I have is…. I remember how they were trying to get people to come along and buy properties with them and get them at wholesale price, and do Steven and Michael Burnett get a commission for each property they sell? Because if they do then it's a definite stay away for me!

    Profile photo of NoGuruNoGuru
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 6

    I also attended the seminar and I get the impression that they are just a bunch of property spruikers. The properties offered seemed very expensive. I have heard a whisper that Henry Kaye is behind the whole thing. it makes sense because there are a number of his previous guys involved in this venture. There are links online about his connection with Empowernet. There are also strong links between him and the director of Playground. I attended some of the old NII seminars and the content seems very similar. Basically the strategy seems to be to suck punters into a educational program then upsell them into expensive properties. This time round, it appears they have gotten hold of the Empowernet/Robbins database. A potent combination. I am sure there will be a lot of tears. Is ASIC following this??

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