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  • nofear replied to the topic I cant get a loan please somebody help me!! in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    quote:For example, ‘what if’ you reduced your credit card down to a $1000 limit – what would your borrowing capacity be then?

    Why does the limit of your Credit Card become an issue? My “limit” is $6,500, but the actual amount owing has been well and truly under $1000 for about the last 10 months.

    Forgive me if I’m showing my ignorance again…[Read more]

  • nofear replied to the topic Property Investing and Tattoos ! in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago

    Yep, 12 years to pick my tat’, and I normally make decisions very quickly!

    I agree with your what your saying boneman, but for some people it’s more than just a picture on your skin. I don’t understand it myself, so I won’t embarass myself by trying to explain.

    Besides, I’m not trying to convince you to do it……….that sounds very arrogant.…[Read more]

  • nofear replied to the topic Property Investing and Tattoos ! in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago

    quote:Fear….how does one associate with you?? *wink*

    You DON’T want me to answer that… [:D]

    I admit it….I know nothing..

  • nofear replied to the topic How many hours do you work at work place? in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago

    For every hour I work, I’ve put in 2 hours of effort. “Normal” shift can be anywhere from 8 hours to 18 hrs.

    But I get lots of job satisfaction….yeah right!

    I admit it….I know nothing..

  • nofear replied to the topic Is the Deposit on an IP tax deductible? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Steve and Bear, thanx for your time.

    I admit it….I know nothing..

  • nofear replied to the topic Darwin Region in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Respectable area’s in Darwin? Try anywhere OUTSIDE the NT!

    But seriously…Bayview Haven, Fannie Bay, and Cullen Bay are probably the most respectable, but prices are high, and they’re not normally rental area’s.

    This has supposed to become the Tourist Hub for the last 10 years. Don’t hold your breath. Problems being that it’s too stinking hot…[Read more]

  • nofear replied to the topic Property Investing and Tattoos ! in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago

    the thing that puts me off tattoos is by association – the average hooker has one, and your average jail inmate has a few.

    A little secret……LOTS of Police Officers have tattoo’s. Mind you, a lot of people don’t like associating with Police either. [:(]

    Have a Darwin-designed skull in tribal lines on my left upper arm. Wanted a tat’…[Read more]

  • nofear replied to the topic Book review – I want a refund! in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Why are there so many people here who are wasting their time by saying “It’s too hard”?

    I bought Steve’s book as I knew nothing about buying properties, and didn’t realise there was another “method” apart from negative gearing.

    I don’t think Steve’s book has taught me everything I need to know, but it has given me a LOT of useful information,…[Read more]

  • nofear replied to the topic What does one listen to in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    You get time to do this at work?? Wow…
    If I did, I’d be listening to screaming, telephones, doors slamming, engines revving, sirens, typing, swearing, and someone asking “who wants a coffee?”

    At home? The air con….

    Have handcuffs….will travel.

  • nofear replied to the topic pssssssssst in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago

    Careful people…..there are cops lurking around here….wouldn’t want to get busted would you? [8D]

    Have handcuffs….will travel.

  • nofear replied to the topic darwin in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    G’day people..
    I have been working in the NT for over 6 years now, and the last 2 years in Darwin.
    I have no experience in investing, so I won’t try to give any advice on that. But….here’s what I DO know.

    Prices are very high in Darwin, supposedly due to costs of freight, and cyclone-standard building. And yes, prices have been very constant.…[Read more]
