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  • noelsy replied to the topic how to manage an ip in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    michael yardney, I’m not meaning to be rude or condesending, but the nature of your question suggests that you should not be manageing your own property.I must thankyou so much for your post, it was so helpfull,the bad name you pm,s have is earned not given thanks MATE.


  • noelsy replied to the topic Info needed on sub-divisions in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    alison 67 A lot depends on the services ( gas, water, electricity ) and the respective charges of the supplying companies.could you please explain what you mean about services do they have to be connected at the subdividing stage.


  • noelsy replied to the topic Subdividing info in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago


    thanks for that after a few minutes i found it still learning my way around here,it was just the info i was looking for,very helpfull thanks alot.[thumbsupanim]


  • noelsy replied to the topic Subdividing info in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    howdy all, im thinking of subdivideing at the moment aswell in sw Victoria does anyone have any idea the costs involved in this, some rough estimates would be very helpfull in my decision to explore the option of subdivision.[thumbsupanim]

