NoCredit replied to the topic Are some mining towns too hot? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Freckle wrote:
Could this be the start of the reset? There has been a massive slump in the nation’s trade performance, with the trade balance plunging almost $2 billion from a strong surplus to a large deficit in the space of a month. The value of iron ore exports i…[Read more]NoCredit replied to the topic Forum. Needs some life. Let’s get something going in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
Freckle wrote:
With fewer new listings being added to the market and some stock being absorbed, the total number of homes now advertised for sale is -7.5% below the record highs of last year nationally and -11.7% below their peaks across the capital cities. how…[Read more]
NoCredit replied to the topic Does anyone else find this deceitful? in the forum General Property 13 years ago
They say real estate agents are as honest as used car salesmen!
NoCredit replied to the topic The steps to watch for in the coming Australian housing correction in the forum General Property 14 years ago
ummester wrote:
harb wrote:
Isn't APF the forum where most of the refugees from Global House Price Crash Forum gather ?Nah, not the smart and reasonable ones anyway. We have our own quite place now.
Interestingly there's a thread on TalkFinance about this very subject right now…..(snippet below)
… I'm constantly perturbed by…[Read more]NoCredit replied to the topic End Negative Gearing and FHB Strike Campaigns on Get Up! in the forum General Property 14 years ago
StingrayBirke wrote:
These Get Up! campaigns are getting a lot of attention in the media and on property blogs and forums, but I couldn't find any mention here……. Campaign1: End Negative Gearing Campaign 2: First Home Buyers Strike Read the comments to see the level of anger in the community! The FHB strike is at number one position on…[Read more]