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  • Profile photo of NlennanNlennan
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 3

    Hi Fairleygood,

    Yeah I would be interested in the details. I am not sure what you mean with “where do I go with this info”. please email me or PM (private message) me with what you want to do.

    I am on the GC too. Coombabah.



    Profile photo of NlennanNlennan
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 3

    as a previously licenced financial adviser I know something about what you are going though. Given that I am not allowed to give financial advice now for legal reasons (not licensed – got out of the game), I would have thought that there would have been some other options for you to obtain higher and more aggressive wealth creation opportunities rather than just buying and holding. if you are looking to stay at home for the next couple of years, why don’t you take some time to take advantage of your low bills and source some other options for higher growth.
    Your age group would usually be defined as “able to withstand a certain amount of risk” or “highly agressive”, given that you have to be comfortable with your investments and able to sleep at nights, I think you have more opportunities than you think.
    Have you thought about being a money partner with some one you trust, if you don’t have the time or knowledge yourself?
    Have a think.

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