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  • sydneyguy replied to the topic IP advise in Werribee in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks Benny…. Just started off reading the article….seems to be a lot informative….

  • sydneyguy replied to the topic IP advise in Werribee in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks All, I was going with Werribee as that is the only area I know in Melbourne via a friend staying in Melbourne.
    I am living in Sydney but it is all out of pocket as we all now…only areas I can think of looking at wthin 430k range are St. Marys, blacktown, penrith, that too just apartment not home……..

    @corey thanks Corey, even I wat to…[Read more]

  • sydneyguy started the topic IP advise in Werribee in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 1 month ago

    Hi, I want to buy my first Investment property and trying to be a bit cautious about the first purchase, I do not want to buy an expensive one. Could someone please provide advise on the idea of buying a land in Werribee, Victoria of say 165 sq m and build a townhouse of that costing all in all around 265- 270k. I am thinking of paying 20% LVR on…[Read more]

  • sydneyguy replied to the topic Buying 1st investment property – Is buyers agent recommended!! in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Richard, Yes I received an email from Jacqui along with the pdf flyer. thanks a lot for that.

    Can we organise a call to discuss further and see if we can work together.
    I have messaged my email id and contact number to you.


  • sydneyguy replied to the topic Buying 1st investment property – Is buyers agent recommended!! in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks All for your precious advise.

    @thenewguy: Mate, I totally second your opinion. But while dealing, how would you differentiate between a good buyers agent and bad agent. I have been talking to people in market but not able to fix one to buy property for me.

    @richard : Thanks Richard. I am actually targeting long term portfolio growth to…[Read more]

  • sydneyguy replied to the topic Thankyou Steve Mcknight ! in the forum General Property 9 years, 3 months ago

    Hi I would really appreciate if someone could give me a link to his strategy and story.


  • sydneyguy‘s profile was updated 9 years, 3 months ago

  • Hi ,

    I am planning to buy my first investment property. After talking to people around me, some who are already into investing and some not, I am getting an advise that I should not go with a buyers agent ad should look around for property myself and the amount of around 10 – 12k, I would give to buyers agent would actually help me buying a…[Read more]

  • Hi ,

    I am planning to buy my first investment property. After talking to people around me, some who are already into investing and some not, I am getting an advise that I should not go with a buyers agent ad should look around for property myself and the amount of around 10 – 12k, I would give to buyers agent would actually help me buying a…[Read more]

  • Hi ,

    I am planning to buy my first investment property. After talking to people around me, some who are already into investing and some not, I am getting an advise that I should not go with a buyers agent ad should look around for property myself and the amount of around 10 – 12k, I would give to buyers agent would actually help me buying a…[Read more]

  • sydneyguy became a registered member 9 years, 3 months ago


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