ninjatunes replied to the topic Dads help for refinace in the forum Creative Investing 14 years, 3 months ago
cheers for the info guys this really is a good web site…..Not sure what a caveat is will google it now lol…..also any ideas on shipping money from the uk to down under?
ninjatunes replied to the topic Dads help for refinace in the forum Creative Investing 14 years, 3 months ago
Ok, i think all he wants a doccumnet that If down the track i split up from my wife or something that he can say he has 10% share in the house so my partner would not get 50%…..He is an old skool dad and just wants to protect his/ my side off things as he has been burnt in the past…not that i am going ti spilt up with the wife lol…..He just…[Read more]
ninjatunes replied to the topic Dads help for refinace in the forum Creative Investing 14 years, 3 months ago
Ha lol, my Dad wont charge me interest……He just wants a document i suppose stating that he has invested 10%…..?
ninjatunes replied to the topic Hi newbie investments info reqd + negative gearing in the forum Creative Investing 14 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for all the great info guys, can i also claim against the interest on my interest only mortgage?
ninjatunes replied to the topic Hi newbie investments info reqd + negative gearing in the forum Creative Investing 14 years, 3 months ago
Ok thanks for that, how also would i get started, once i add up all the out of pocket negative gearing tax so that i can receive the deductions now instead of at the end of the year?
ninjatunes replied to the topic Hi newbie investments info reqd + negative gearing in the forum Creative Investing 14 years, 3 months ago
cheers guys,1= So if a real estate does not cover me if the renter misses payments and if i am going to take out extra landlord insurance then i might as well let it myself?1A = It looks like most land lord insures for all damage plus unpaid rent…but i already get flood damage and fire etc buy the strata insurance so would only really need the…[Read more]