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Nikki P

  • Nikki P replied to the topic Rents going up…. Rates going down… in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Scamp,   I am one of the Newbies and I can see where your concern is coming from. On forums opinions are always appreciated.. but the down right vulgar way that you put it does indeed cause concern. Not because of the negativity you always seem to bubbling out, but because you sound so unbelievably stupid (please excuse my language) when you…[Read more]

  • Nikki P replied to the topic Should I be buying now? in the forum Sup guys,
    I’m a noob to
    16 years ago

    Sup guys,   I’m a noob to property investing. Aren’t there still pockets that are showing high capital growth? The thing that concerns me, and I don’t totally understand are the comments about property being so high compared to 2000…   Our economy has gone up, that explains the rapid growth is house prices. Don’t house and living standards g…[Read more]

  • Nikki P replied to the topic Renting % in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    Agreed. I went to another bank and they said that they would finance the property just yesterday arvo. But by the time I got back to the real estate agent they had already sold it :’( Kind regards, Nikki

  • Nikki P replied to the topic Aussie home loans in the forum Finance 17 years ago

    How do low rates end up costing more?Nikki

Nikki P