nigelm started the topic Looking for Cherie Barber course in the forum Buy, Swap & Sell 11 years, 10 months ago
Looking for a copy of Cherie Barber's course (manuals, DVD's, checklists etc).
If anyone has a copy they are looking to offload, please get in touch. Ready to move quickly for the right price
Talk soon!
nigelm replied to the topic INvesting In YOU – Property, Wealth Creation, Personal Development BOOKS, DVDs, Resources for sale in the forum The Treasure Chest 12 years ago
Hi there, I've sent you an email…
nigelm replied to the topic Property Investing Group Strategy in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago
Having been involved in a "group arrangement" with shares many years ago, I can say the most important thing is to make sure that everyone has their "goals/values" 150% aligned.
Every group thing I've ever seen (especially with friends) has ended up going sour, with the whole issue being that 6-18 months into it, it was realised that being…[Read more]
nigelm replied to the topic Renting out separate rooms in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago
Most of the logistics should be fairly easy with regards to depreciation etc. I imagine the hardest part would be finding the right tenants for that other room.
My brother has just gone through hell with some shared tenants he had in a place in Sydney in similar circumstances. Everything was great, until it wasn't. His problem was that he only…[Read more]
nigelm replied to the topic Big trouble in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Sheesh that would have been a tense time – good to see you got through it.
Where there's a will, there's a way..
nigelm replied to the topic Commercial Lease Lawyer in the forum Commercial Property 12 years ago
Great, thanks RPI, I've sent him a private message.