Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Alliancecorp or Investors Prime Real Estate in the forum Help Needed! 7 years ago
Of course they make commission from Property Sales. If you go to a lawyer or an accountant you pay fees for advice. However if you do your own research and buy through an agent the agent makes a commission which you are indirectly paying for.
So the question you should ask is the property good and value for money. In this day and age you can do…[Read more]
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Need a licensed Builder in Melbourne Please in the forum General Property 7 years ago
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Need a licensed Builder in Melbourne Please in the forum General Property 7 years ago
rick traberg a great builder 0408355568
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Rethink Investing – Buyers Agents in the forum Help Needed! 7 years ago
Clearly they make a $30,000 commission
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Has anyone dealt with Full Circle Financial Group? (Experiences/Opinions pls) in the forum Help Needed! 7 years ago
Most of these groups make commission so do agents what it comes down to is you should always do your own due diligence. That means researching everything in the area via the internet. I also strongly recommend if you are from interstate take the time to go to the location and see it for yourself. I this day and age there is no excuse if you buy…[Read more]
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Needed: Town Planner/Land Surveyor in Victoria in the forum Help Needed! 7 years ago
yes Nick Skarajew email he is a great guy should be able to assist you
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Best advice : Don’t invest into property : The australian market is CRASHING. in the forum Help Needed! 7 years ago
When we look at the Melbourne market we have more than 100,000 people a year moving to Melbourne. That includes the highest net migration from NSW to Victoria since 1888. Why are so many people moving to Melbourne, the worlds most liveable city helps and it is still much cheaper than Sydney. Even new home areas such as Mernda are only around 25km…[Read more]
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Melbourne vs Brisbane ? in the forum General Property 7 years ago
Hi Micky
There are many areas that are good for growth. However it does come down to what you can afford. Never over commit yourself.
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Melbourne vs Brisbane ? in the forum General Property 7 years ago
Hi Micky
Apart from population growth their is also a shortage of titling land. Even if you buy a block in some cases you may be waiting a year of more.
The other thing is we also have the highest net migration from interstate since 1888. When I talk to people from Sydney I am told that many people are moving from Sydney to Melbourne because…[Read more]
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Dealing with pedantic tenants in the forum Help Needed! 7 years ago
Great Advice Kym
I also think part of the problem is that many Property Management companies and just a division of a sales company. Many owners of these companies see their property management divisions as an opportunity of getting more listings. Thats why you are often dealing with inexperienced property managers
I prefer to deal with…[Read more]
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Melbourne vs Brisbane ? in the forum General Property 7 years ago
In my view Melbourne has another to 4 years in the current cycle. Most estimates are that Melbourne will add another 1 million people to the population. Thats nearly 2000 a week and they are currently building only around 300 houses a week. In many cases land is in some cases as much as 12 to 18 months away from being titled.
In Brisbane prices…[Read more]Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Iphone 8 or Iphone X? in the forum Opinionated! 8 years ago
I just got the new Samsung Note 8 its a great phone
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Had a conversation with my tax accountant about Melbourne property in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago
I do not necessary think all new property is bad however it depends on what is recommended. Certainly Student accommodation is not good. Look at the finance you get to start with. The banks consider these a risk. Now if your accountant has good apartments that are cheap that may be different. However the CBD, Dockland and Southbank have really not…[Read more]
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Had a conversation with my tax accountant about Melbourne property in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago
I would never recommend student accommodation as an investment. Its a poor investment. As mentioned you want to appeal to owner occupiers. Small student apartments only appeal to investors. Generally the returns are not that good and capital growth is terrible. Perhaps you should change accountants lol
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Had a conversation with my tax accountant about Melbourne property in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago
Hi Steve
I could not agree less. Apartments especially apartments in the CBD have not been a good investment especially when it comes to capital growth. Also currently funding especially CBD apartments are a major problem with valuations coming well under purchase price. Many apartments in the CBD are tiny. It is important to remember that the…[Read more]
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Had a conversation with my tax accountant about Melbourne property in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago
Hi Steve
I could not agree less. Apartments especially apartments in the CBD have not been a good investment especially when it comes to capital growth. Also currently funding especially CBD apartments are a major problem with valuations coming well under purchase price. Many apartments in the CBD are tiny. It is important to remember that the…[Read more]
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Defence Housing Property in the forum General Property 8 years ago
They offer a reasonable return management fee are very high. The other major issue is often they are not in high growth areas. At the end of the day strong growth is what you should be targeting
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic What is the best option for investing $400,000 in Melbourne property in the forum General Property 8 years ago
120,000 people moved to Melbourne last year. I would stick to Melbourne to a house and land package. Perhaps buy one that is a few years old you will save a lot of money from brand new and still get great depreciation. Areas like Clyde North are great just a 10 minute drive to Fountain gate which is the second largest shopping centre in the…[Read more]
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic Sell to invest? Reconcile the numbers…? in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago
I think it is always a hard decision.
However it depends on what sort of income you are paying and what sort of tax you are paying.
With an investment property consider the following
You can negatively gear and claim all the deductions such as depreciation and interest payment ect. You cannot do this with an owner occupied property.
When…[Read more]
Nigel Kibel replied to the topic How much time to spend researching a area and location? in the forum General Property 8 years ago
Ethan its speculation from the point of view that if you buy an investment and hold for 10 years we know from history that values will go up and perform well. All the things you have said I agree with however why its speculation is that I study markets all the time but no one knows what may happy in the next 12 months. If there is a correction in…[Read more]
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