nieceo replied to the topic Looking for joint venture partner(s) in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
HiI am interested in going over this with you – it could be beneficial to both of us. Could you email me directly
nieceo replied to the topic Australia’s Best Cashflow Positive Suburb in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
Hi those querying Kambalda in WA
I have an investment property there in Kambalda West (which is considered better than Kambalda East). I purchased nearly two years ago a 3brm brick/tile house. Building inspector said it was one of the most sound properties he had inspected there. Paid $85k. Now the same property has increased to between…[Read more]
nieceo replied to the topic Australia’s Best Cashflow Positive Suburb in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
Hi those querying Kambalda in WA
I have an investment property there in Kambalda West (which is considered better than Kambalda East). I purchased nearly two years ago a 3brm brick/tile house. Building inspector said it was one of the most sound properties he had inspected there. Paid $85k. Now the same property has increased to between…[Read more]
nieceo replied to the topic Positive Gearing in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I just purchased a positive geared property in WA. (I live in NSW). It all came down to RESEARCH, RESEARCH and more RESEARCH. What I mean by that is….I subscribed to Australian Property Investor Magazine. This has lots of good info including growth/decline rates for each State. Has good stories from other investors and info from lenders…[Read more]
nieceo replied to the topic Getting Started in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi, this is my first time on the forum and I saw your post. I have just had my offer accepted for my very FIRST property and it is very positively geared. I, like you, thought they didn’t exist….but they certainly do. I found to have the majority of cash flow positive (pre tax) property listings. The other thing I did was to make…[Read more]