nicko7 replied to the topic IS the R.E.S.U.L.T.S program REALLY worth it? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Reeco,I'm a little confused about some of you comments and the research you have put into them.Firstly yes the course may cost $7k, 5K etc and if you are skeptical don't join. You asked for a blue collar Gen Y to write and I am exactly that. I joined Results in 07 and I'm now in the graduate course and both were worth every dollar we have…[Read more]
nicko7 replied to the topic Adelaide – 6 months in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hi guys the auction clearance rates came out for adelaide today and they were below 50% for the weekend just gone so it is really starting to slow, almost stall at the moment CheersNick
nicko7 replied to the topic Whats your 2008 investment strategy? in the forum Hi Everyone
Just playing 17 years agoHi EveryoneJust playing devil's advocate for a bit.In the areas that i specialize, the house prices have gone up by about 30% in the last year. With that and interest rates lifting to some where near 10% in the next 12 months, how is everyone going to find +ve CF properties.what are your strategies for producing these properties? Reno's, Vendor…[Read more]
nicko7 replied to the topic sick of greedy plumbers & electricians in the forum General Property 18 years ago
I didn't want to post anything but….How about giving tradesman a little bit of respect yes its not brain surgery. Its more important as Markkay just said. We are licenced for a reason.Your house has an electrical fire – your child (or tenant) electrocutes themselves Your main sewer line has back-fall and wasn't laid correctly so it breaks and…[Read more]
nicko7 replied to the topic Best way to prepare for next years RESULTS program in the forum HI Matty
I am taking part 18 years agoHI Matty I am taking part in the results programme at the moment it has been fantastic.A couple of things i can suggest are Think about why you want to invest in property Read Steve's books ( you take so much more info in if you already have your mind around where the property investing crew are coming from )Keep posting on this site and usi…[Read more]
nicko7 replied to the topic New to this and lost already in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Glenpositive cash flow properties are out there in the market they just very rarely adhere to the 11 second rule. you should read steve's next couple of books to explain this in more detail. but you have got to manufacture them. eg add perceived value live turn a two bedroom into a 3 bedroom to increase the rental yield.
nicko7 replied to the topic Any idea of the cost to fill a pool in?? in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago
Hi everyone I know its been a while since this topic was active, but the beauty of this forum is that we have just found a property with a pool we want to sub-divide and build. i remembered this from about 3 months ago.Can you build over a pool that you have filled in?does the soil cave to be tested etc?Thanks for any help Nicko
nicko7 replied to the topic Commercial Property in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
HI Dave
I have just been to a seminar that property investing ran with Martin Ayles.
The basic theme with commercial property is that the rent is everything.
-When it comes to lending off banks the better the tenant (eg. mc donalds v’s a fish n chip shop) the easier it is to get financetheir advice was get a tenant before you go to far down…[Read more]
nicko7 replied to the topic Blocks of Units in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
hi propertypower
I’m looking at a block of four units.
does this void the strata if i own all four of them?
What do you mean by lower LVR
Nickonicko7 replied to the topic renting of your own trust in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years ago
I thought that if a trust generates income then it gets assessed like a person.
eg if the trust can service the loan with its passive income from other IP’s
is this true or do you have to go guarantor for every loan that your trust applies for
nicko7 replied to the topic renting of your own trust in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years ago
thanks heaps for all your help not just in this situation. its great to have such a good pool of info to bounce things off
we have a friend that works in the ATO who actually suggested it to us and he is looking into in closer detail at the moment and wasn’t sure if he was pulling our leg or not.
because it has been our PPOR for the last…[Read more]
nicko7 replied to the topic Christies Beach in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Hi everyone
slightly [offtopic]
Just wondering if any body new the minimum size for a block of land or where i can find the info on sub-division sizes and so on in the onkaparinga council e.g. Christies, port noarlunga etc.
nicko7 replied to the topic trust structure, finance in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
thanks Qld 007
overall we have a positive portfolio but some IP’s are running at a loss and some are +ve
we were looking at setting up a family trust because we are heading in the +ve direction.
we are also looking to start up a partnership with another couple doing minor property development, will we have to set up a different trust for the…[Read more]
nicko7 replied to the topic trust structure, finance in the forum Finance 18 years ago
Hi everyone just a quick question
if a HDT = Hybrid Discretionary Trust
does that mean that DT = Discretionary Trust
what are the major differences between the two
pretty basic but just learning
nicko7 replied to the topic Mortgage product advice please in the forum Finance 18 years ago
Thanks for the advice
we thought it was a great deal with no application fees.
yes we are Xed and worried about it as well.looks like we’ll be trying a new broker which we have thought alot about since the last IP
Thanks again
nicko7 replied to the topic How to go Full Time with Property Investing ? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Hi csi
in my posting the thing i was trying to get across was that the only way i think you can go full time was when you substitute your income with a passive income.
i suggest reading such books as rich dad poor dad and steve’s first book (0- 136 properties i think ) they out line what it means to become finacially independent and opened my…[Read more]
nicko7 replied to the topic Christies Beach in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
hi alto 55
stay away from christies beach!!!
I live here i want them all to my self .
just jokes it is great over here we own 2 IP’s in christies beach and there is a fair bit going on. just down the road someone has bought 2 blocks side by side and built 5, 3 br town houses.
rental return isn’t the greatest but we all have our little…[Read more]
nicko7 replied to the topic How to go Full Time with Property Investing ? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
hi browny
my partner and i have done almost the exact same thing as you. We bought a house for $110,000, in total spent $1500 and in total approx 1 week doing minor reno (paint etc.)
we are lucky that i was a painter and now i am on my 2nd trade( plumbing ) i know a lot of guys in trades and it is amazing how far a bbq and some beers will…[Read more]
nicko7 replied to the topic opinions on investing in SA in the forum General Property 18 years ago
hi markat
I agree the market is really strong at the moment, just the other day there was an article in the paper saying auction rates were up around 80%.
we have managed to get some positive properties around adelaide you just have to be creative with what you are offering the market and do you research.
Think out side the box they are therenicko7 replied to the topic opinions on investing in SA in the forum General Property 18 years ago
yeah we have bought a IP close to a mine it is doing really well
we are now looking closely at the CBD and the beach side suburbs cause they are starting to thrive
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