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  • nicknovember replied to the topic Property Investment in Hobart in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    P.S  I get $250 and $230 respectively for my 1960's three bedroom standard houses (although just renovated one this year and it will go closer to $270 in January.

  • nicknovember replied to the topic Property Investment in Hobart in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    I use Elders Brown and Banks.  I've had up and down experience with them, but we seem to be in a good space now.   I find their accounting pretty good and their inspection cycle pretty ok.  I have heard that "The Rental Centre" which is an offshoot of Petrusmas (or at least used to be) is pretty good.  Petrusmas is like the biggest R.E agency down…[Read more]

  • nicknovember replied to the topic Unit Investment in Sydney CBD in the forum General Property 16 years ago

    What are the levies?  Who is the rental guarantee from?  Is the $440 per week NETT or Gross?  What part of town is it in?NN

  • nicknovember replied to the topic Need to know what the current trend is in yields in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    What area is the property in?

  • nicknovember replied to the topic $430k to $375k drop – please help in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Hold on my friend.  Property is a long term investment.  it goes up, it goes down.  It does in the long term go up, and i agree with the other person's comments about forced saving.  My only property investing regrets have been things I've sold, and opportunities I've missed out on because I got cold feet.  Even my average performing inve…[Read more]

  • nicknovember replied to the topic Property Investment in Hobart in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Hi,I have two investment properties in Claremont, which is just north of Berriedale.  I've had them for 4 and 5 years respectively and had the same tenants in both since day dot.  Rents have started to increase reasonably well in the last 12 months and I've got a pretty good property Manager, achieving well over 7% of yield.  Buying something th…[Read more]
