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  • Different trades and services have varying degrees of support depending on the forum you're on.

    House of Wealth has well known posters who provide great advice on a different investment forum, and those above who recommend them are very active on those other sites.

    That's all.

    Scott No Mates wrote:
    He did say cost price…

    LOL, he may enjoy the free holiday.

    Sydney, somewhere near public transport preferably. If it is convenient for me to drop him off I can do that, i'll charge mates rates to do it tho, haha.

    I just noticed they reset my post count, I use to be very active here but am more active on another investment forum. So not a 1 post wonder.

    I would be interested to know how much in property those spruiking the US have actually purchased since the economy 'stabilised' just after the GFC.

    I was there last month, and out of habit took a look at the property market in different spots around California (to be fair, not the areas discussed above). Regardless, the US economy is far from giving me fuzzy good feelings. I currently wouldn't touch that market as an investor from Australia. If makes a great hedge for the high aussie dollar, then again, I could just transfer the money over and sit it safely in a high interest bank acount in the states.

    You would have to know the US market quite intimately to mitigate the risks there, and to do that, you would have to live there and make a living (perhaps one like selling US property to Australians who don't really understand the market over there).

    As for talking up Section 8 tenancy, the government may pull the plug on that subsidy in the near future, and there doesn't seem to be tenant insurance over there.

    Conveyancers are great for the 'straight forward' transactions.

    I personally always use a solicitor, who charges me about $900 (mate's rates, he usually charges more). However he has on more than 1 occasion, proved himself worth the money.

    Also his background as a developer means I receive the occasional gold nuggets of wisdom free of charge.

    Great of you to start so early!

    First thing first, be sure to read-read-read and go to a lot of inspections. This way when you meet more knowledgeable investors, you can ask questions that will open you up to new possibilities.

    Also understanding the lingo (you'll pick it up by reading through past threads on this forum), means you can follow what they are sharing.

    In the meantime, try to determine what strategy will work for you. It will evolve over time, however having a direction and a plan of when and how you wish to retire (and what kind of person you wish to be) will mean you can move forward as oppose to sideways, backwards or nowhere.

    As Freckle stated, be patient. I rushed my first investment as I just could not wait to jump in, was okay, though didn't work out as well as I would have liked. Opportunities of a lifetime come once a week.

    I started out about a year ago asking very similar questions the the one you just asked to start.

    You will find with a bit of research and time, it is very possible to find positive geared property, however not in a straight forward kind of way.

    The truth is, to make any real money in property you have to solve a problem or provide a service. The bigger the problem you can solve, the bigger the return.

    Also, keep in mind, the more property you own, the more 'positive' geared it needs to be if you follow this strategy. In NSW for instance, 7% ROI may seem good, but if it takes you past the land tax threshold, you may need more like 9% ROI for it to be positive geared, and then what if interest rates go up 1%.

    There is a lot of work involved, unlikely it would be listed plain and simply on a website.

    With the HC properties, you are competing against bidders buying through SMSF.

    Perhaps they pay more due to lower interest rates and a perception the property will be 'stuck' in the fund for a long time untouched.

    Anything in a HC area that doesn’t gross 7% and hasn’t got a potential for a granny flat as well. The returns seem fine now, yet with minimal depreciation and rising interest rates in the future, any less and you will be in trouble.

    No haven’t seen anything for subdivision there. All the agents say $100k per land base is ok, I don’t think anything more than $50k will give any profit. I did find a mentor that does just that. Exciting times ahead.


    Picked up a third property in St Marys. Nothing in Bidwill. The exHC properties are selling WAY overpriced at the auctions IMO. Also Bidwill is a little too rough for my liking, esp around Kidd Cl.

    Shifting across to small subdivision and construct now, getting a little bored of buy-renovate-rent :P

    Per sqm of floor space. 100sqm downstairs, 50sqm upstairs = 150sqm x $1500.

    Thanks Jamie.

    Say I completed renovations and also bought the IP undervalue to start.
    If it is 100% fixed, is it still possible to revalue and extract equity for a completely new IP purchase?

    Hey everyone,

    So I’m looking a fixing 50% of my loans.

    Would I be better off making each of them 50/50 variable/fixed.
    Or just half the loans 100% variable and leaving the rest variable (with off-set).

    Are there any advantages to either or is it just wasted money.

    Sounds like a lot of risk for $12k. Is the $800k a conservative sales price? What if it takes 12 weeks to sell etc.

    I had the same scenario drop into my lap last month. Same figures, I realised I’d rather use the money to buy 2-3 positive geared properties where the variables were more manageable.

    Then again, I ain’t no millionaire :p

    Depends on your lifestyle…

    I’ve heard of people retiring on $20k per year overseas.

    Others like their Armani suits and Christian Louboutin shoes.

    I found what helped a lot was hitting the streets and inspecting properties, talking to real estate agents and putting theory into practice. It really helps you work out what questions are good to ask and what information would be great to have/where to find it. Try putting in some low ball offers as well at some point to get a feel for how to negotiate, and you never know you might get one thru :P

    As DWolfe stated. Write down your goals. One thing is knowing you want a property, another is having it written somewhere with a date, possibly a picture beside it where you see it everyday as a reminder. Perhaps even a reason why you want it written below.

    All the best!

    Construction and engineering. Good money less labour, mix odds outdoors and indoors.

    What kind of development? What's the area?

    Would be great to see a breakdown of numbers and a % profit at the end including all exit costs.

    Hi Tony,

    Just sent you an email as well. Would like to learn more about Botany as my employer is doing a lot of work there.

    Thanks :)

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