NewToPI replied to the topic Capital Gains Tax in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Tanks Terry and Willi
I lived in the property for about 2 months straight after i purchased it.
I just purchased another ip in December 2002 and rented it out immediately.
do you think i don’t need to pay CGT on my first property since i can treat as a ppor eventhough i wasn’t living in it for half the period i owned it ?
NewToPI replied to the topic Super in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I heard similar thing of a company that shows you how to establish your own supperannuation fund and then you can direct your employer to put your super in that fund, you can use that fund to buy investment property. Sorry can’t remember the company name
NewToPI replied to the topic No capital gains for 6 years in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
I am in a similar situation. I owned the house for 7 years, during the period I rented it outfor 3.5 years. I have been getting conflicting information regarding this 6 year rule thing. one accountant says i will need to pay CGT if I sell, other accountant reckon it doesn’t attract CGT if i sell.
Any help/Advise would be much appreciated
NewToPI replied to the topic Quantity Surveying in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Thanks all,
RodC and Paulhemagnet. Could you give me name weblink or phone number of the Quantity suveryers you used.