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  • newtoip replied to the topic Park trent properties group in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks RedWood. I wish I had your suggestions before I dealt with ParkTrent. It could have saved me from lots of headaches and heaps of money.

  • newtoip replied to the topic Park trent properties group in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Jack Di,

    Your exact situation has happened to me in year 2014. It's my bad luck that I didn't head to this forum to read up the lessons learned from Park Trent victims like you.

    I fell into their ONE STOP INVESTMENT SOLUTION tactics and in addition to their Property Investing service, end up getting their FINANCIAL BROKER (Easy Plan) +…[Read more]

  • newtoip replied to the topic Park trent properties group in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 11 months ago

    Hi All,

    The stories that happened in the past since 2008 is still happening in the year 2014. This is happening to me right now. Massive undervaluation of the property (First Property, Around 50,000), bank not willing to provide loan, Park Trent moving 10% deposit to other property (Second property), and charging massive Commission for the on…[Read more]

  • Ditto and 100% true.

  • Sad but true stories.

  • I am very sorry suez8 for your situation and feel very bad on how you were treated. When I went through your posts, I felt like I'm reading my own story. The very unfortunate thing is, this is still happening today and I think I am also one of the ParkTrent's victim, very much like you.

  • newtoip replied to the topic Information on ParkTrent Properties in the forum Hi Andy and Jack Di, 11 years ago

    Hi Andy and Jack Di,

    First of all JackDi, it's been over a year that you had your entry posted here, how did you go with getting back your deposit.

    Now I'm here after a year, with the same situation. I regret that I didn't research on internet about all these dodgy dealings.

    I have Similar situation like JackDi, our FIrst property from…[Read more]

  • newtoip replied to the topic Information on ParkTrent Properties in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    Hi Andy and Jack Di,

    First of all JackDi, it's been over a year that you had your entry posted here, how did you go with getting back your deposit.

    Now I'm here after a year, with the same situation. I regret that I didn't research on internet about all these dodgy dealings.

    I have Similar situation like JackDi, our FIrst property from…[Read more]

  • newtoip replied to the topic ParkTrent Properties in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    Hi All,

    I'm also dealing with ParkTrent and my experience about ParkTrent Properties Group is very similar to RIPPED OFF and many other unhappy customers. I can see lots of complaints about ParkTrent here and in many other sites (see links below, if the moderator of this site allows links here). Seems that many people have been ripped off by…[Read more]


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