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  • Newby23 replied to the topic Adelaide Market Update in the forum Forum Frolic 12 years ago

    No I missed it. What went down? Would be very interested to hear about it.


  • Newby23 replied to the topic Positive Cash Flow Property in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Hi Crows!

    We are also in Adelaide and I can guess which areas you are speaking oflaugh. Are you sure that they don't have much in the way of CG? I looked in the back of some investment magazines and found some great CG figures, which surprised me. I am not expecting much CG there in the next couple of years though.

    Also, Have you considered becoming…[Read more]

  • Newby23 replied to the topic New Site: What do you think? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    It looks brilliant!
    I love the thumbs up function. I like it so much, I may even try give myself a thumbs up ;)

    Great job, Michelle.

  • Newby23 replied to the topic South Australian Town Planner Freelance in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Hi James!See your inbox.All the best!Michelle.

  • Newby23 replied to the topic Passed in at Auction…please help! in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Thanks!I am doing my best to avoid any emotional decisions. I can't wait for the next one in a couple of weeks the WIP &Solomon. Michelle….

  • Newby23 replied to the topic The one percent rule in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Hi Janine….The areas I originally wanted to buy in didn't meet the 1% rule either. I had to go looking in other areas that were cheaper but the rental still meets the costs. Still looking for our first IP, so by no means an expert at all. A couple that we have seriously done DD on that were advertised on or similar, I rang independent…[Read more]

  • Newby23 replied to the topic Passed in at Auction…please help! in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Thank's Paul and W.I.P.We had decided to set up the company also as the experts in the field that we researched had recommended it. I am glad we did now, especially after your comments. He was happy to set up the company as well as a trust, he just didn't think we needed it. I went to the appointment armed with Steve McKnight's book and my notes…[Read more]

  • Newby23 replied to the topic The one percent rule in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Hi Janine.I have been reading Steve's book and looking at that too. I am thinking that it covers the basics with insurance and rates. You can never know for sure all expenses because if a hot water system needs replacing or major works are required unexpectedly, then I guess it can throw calculations out.I am just using the 1% rule to rule out the…[Read more]

  • Newby23 replied to the topic Passed in at Auction…please help! in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Wow! What a couple of crazy days.Thank  you all for your advice. We have heard back from the surveyor and it doesn't look like it would be an easy subdivision unless you knock the old house down and have 2 long blocks side by side. Once you've done that tho, there wouldn't be much profit in it….especially if you didn't get asking price. So we…[Read more]

  • Newby23 replied to the topic Passed in at Auction…please help! in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Ah Property Monopoly!Just spotted your response, thank you.I think we'll do it… but just waiting to see about the subdivision. That may determine what we are willing to pay.I can't even tell you how many phone calls we have made today! This could get addictive Cheers… M & A

  • Newby23 replied to the topic Passed in at Auction…please help! in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Hi Catalyst & Ryan!Thanks for your comments We must confess to being unprepared. We hadn't sorted out our LOC and didn't have building inspection etc done. We only spotted it on the weekend. We also didn't have our trust/company in place. I have been reading books and listening to information and we really have just been trying to familiarise…[Read more]

  • Wow! I really wish I could come. I've read a few posts you've added to and really keen to see what you have to say.Doing any other states in the near future? Do you have any books, articles etc?

  • Newby23 replied to the topic New to investing in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    @ CatalystWill definately leave cards at home ;)

  • Newby23 replied to the topic New to investing in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Hi!I live in the Adelaide area also and think I am in a similar position to you, looking to buy my first IP. Trying to gather all the information I possibly can before leaping in.I am going to a free one day seminar by Mark Rolton on the 26th for some ideas. I believe he deals more with options, but i'm up for a bit of free information. I am…[Read more]

  • Newby23 replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Cheers Catalyst!I live in SA and I am talking of the Northern Suburbs of Adelaide particularly. I have been targeting properties with potential for second residence. Of course, by the time I sus it out and chat with my hubbie about it… it's gone. It's all research and experience I guess. Sounds like this strategy has worked for you. Seems like…[Read more]

  • Newby23 replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Sorry, my above post should have said that I was told that it is NOT possible to buy +CF property…. oops… :)

  • Newby23 replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Thank you Adambc. Really helpful post for the humble beginner.Jarrah, I had trouble finding your 'Ask and you shall receive'. Sounds interesting though.I am yet to invest in my first IP. I have thought about it for years and even to be a WEA course where one of the first things the "teacher" said, was that it is possible to buy a CF+ property now.…[Read more]
