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  • Nevania replied to the topic investor school for kids in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    Hi Xenia
    My partner and I love going through second hand book stores some of which have quite up to date second hand books. One book that I picked up for $1.00 at the Salvo’s was “The Great Boom Ahead” by Harry S Dent Jr published in 1993 and was predicting the stock market boom, falling interest rates (so buy bonds–explained in the book) and the…[Read more]

  • Nevania replied to the topic investor school for kids in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi Xenia
    We have friends who send their kids to a Montessori school (we don’t have kids) and my understanding is that they teach them to think outside the square and to think for themselves. This is the first tool you need to be financially independent.
    Worthy of further research.
    And buy educational books. I know that has definatly shifted my…[Read more]


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