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  • Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    yeah something like that was the plan.. but i dont know the finer points.. ya see show’s on TV and hear ppl talk’n about it.. but ya never get an in depth insight on how to do it.. property has gone up a fair bit over the last 5 years but before that it was no good because of everything gett’n privatised.. my dad got 2 houses when everyone was selling and made about 60% on each house… but he doesnt really no that much.. was just lucky!!!!

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    thanx guys, i am nice to my mother for her to give me equity what exatcly does that involve??

    i cant remember exactly who the talk was conducted by but it was paid by a lending giant.. talk people into buying homes..
    then lend them the money… not a bad con i say..

    ps. the car gets the girls ;) lol

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