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  • Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    i’ll take the time to say thanx trueblue (as well as getting that one step closer) [:P][}:)]

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    hmm yeah its call the RACV in vic and RACQ in queensland i think.. i asume its called something like RACNSW.. just look in the phone book or on the net in a search engine

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    well it all depends my insurance used to be about $3,000 a year but i’d lost my license a couple of times for things like 90ks over the speed limit in a 110k zone and recless driving and all the stuff that came with it!

    now i only pay $1000 a year, just look in the yellow pages right down all the insurance companies and there numbers and start calling, the RACV was teh best for me, also sometimes they will match the quote of another company too so u can match your house and car up and get an even bigger saving.

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    hey mate, smart choice

    start with some gear of this site and borrow a few books from the libary or something

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
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    oh i dont really know i just went to the talk and got the Free assesment then went out and bought a house, i did it all myself using my own credit union and stuff..

    one thing i did notice is that the ppl pratice what they preach, the lady i talked too herself had quite a few IP’s which is a good thing because i hate taking advise from ppl that think they know it all because they read a text book or something!

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    I can provide you with her details if you like. I have a couple of properties which are scattered around the country side, insured through her.

    yeah if you could that’d be nice i’ve already paid for this years but if i buy another property i’ll give her ago post it on here ar [email protected] thanx heaps

    ps. that RACV also covers $5,000,000 PLI

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    yes i’ve heard of them i went to the same talk in VIC.. what exactly is your post trying to ask the mass’s?

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
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    hmm can i ask a question, what do u spend your money on!!?!?!?! how much is your rent and stuff???

    i’m 19 and have been working just over a year and i have got a $30,000 car and just got my 1st IP!! and i make about a 1/3 of what u guys do!!

    my lord with your pay packet i’d own the world!!
    sorry if this sounds like i’m being a smart a$$ but seriously you could do ALOT! with that sort of money!

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
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    hi all my name is glenn, 19 years old and work at a local production complex (briquettes) “the cheep heat that can’t be beat!” i just got my 1st +ve IP and it will be the 1st of many i feel, I”M HOOKED! i recently went away with a few mates and as we walked to the pub i spoted the real estate agents on the other side of the road, that was the end of my drink’n! i cheeked out 2 houses in the area that day! [:P]

    i’d also like to say thanx to everyone that has answered my question even if sometimes they are a little stuppid, i’m amazed at how much everyone is willing to help out on this site i think its great!!!!

    PS. Micheal you think your hairs bad i cut my own hair it normally turns out alright, but the other day i made a boo boo now i have a shaved head!!! and its winter!!!

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    well i guess thats the $100,000 – $120,000 question.

    if u think u’ve search everywhere and u havent turned up anything its proberly time to try a different area.

    keep on keep’n tho, seek and u shall find

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    mate if you’ve got $150,000k cash u can buy anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have about 20k in cash and i can buy anywhere!!!

    as for what u want to do 1st?
    what do you want to do 1st, i just got my 1st IP and i dont have a home in my own name yet, but i live with my family ( i’m only 19, not some 32 year old freeeek!!)

    u’d have to look at what u want, the way i see it, it aint much piont having a house to rent and renting yourself! but u defently need to buy some property and soon!

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
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    i got a mate that works for the local water company to find out who owned a property once, if u know someone in the CFA they could help u also…
    “think outside the square”

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
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    i suggest u look closely at what you want to acheive, everyone has different goals, do u really need (or want) to buy a property every year?

    why not spend a little more time looking for a +ve cash flow property, while using this time to save up a small deposit. i only have one property, but i’m looking for a second at the moment. im only going to buy house’s around or under the $100,000 mark.. if your is more than this maybe u could try selling up and get a few cheaper ones…

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
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    yeah thank you

    the 1st rule (well maybe not the first but it’s one! and somewhere in the list!) buy with your head not your heart! i didnt want to get into a bidding war and the investment not turning out anygood, if i had of lost it i would of just moved onto the next money spinner i could find.

    thanx all for your kind words [8D]

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    [:)] thanx mate your a little champion

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    I have heard that you cannot get LMI for the Latrobe Valley and Narre Warren South!

    i did just 2 days ago in the Valley prices are very inflated tho, my father has a few houses in the area and has done very well as he got them about 5 years ago. i’m not to worried, i still see a huge growth for the region as a new coal refinary has just been cleared bring more jobs and industry to the region.

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    youngy i’m in the same boat as you, i’m only 20 and earn a very simular wage.

    i think the only thing to do is gain the banks trust.. i recently just got a $30,000 car with a $10,000 loan and pay’d it back using almost all of my wage, and some $$ from under my bed, the banks now trust me and i just got my 1st property 90% loan.. the only reason i got this was due to paying off the $10,000 so qick, we all have to start somewhere, its not the best investment around but its good enough and its give’n me some equity for the future.

    The way i look at it is we’re starting to do something with our money now so we’re already 10-15 years ahead of our age group, my mates are still piss’n up half there pay each week at the pub.. while i’m planning for my 2nd IP..

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    thanx heaps guys i stuck to my offer and the vendors decided to to sell to me as they agreed verbaly before hand (nice people) anyways.. i’m now the proud owner of my 1st investment property!

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    thanx Sebastian

    i rang the irs place and they said u can rent a house out then claim a second house under the FOHG as long as u dont live in the first house..

    thought u’d like to know

    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    yeah thought about that.. u dont know if i can get the rebate on a second house if i dont live in the first do ya?

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