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  • Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    lol, i dont know, to lazy i guess..

    nah i will, it just wasnt a matter that i really thought about, it was just now that we’re talking about it, that it clicked!

    i guess that could be a sign of me working to hard.. or just being in la la land 3/4 of the day!!


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    arh fug!! i often wonder why ppl post the same thing twice now, i’ve done it! but i still dont know how!!!



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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    simon, aka morgage hunter

    you wouldnt happen to know how long it takes to get your FHOG when applying by yourself would you, a minor detail, but one thing govornment bodys arnt renound for is their speed!

    so a general time frame would be a help as the property i’m looking at would need some renovations, and most of my money would be used on deposit, fees and so on.. so i’d wanna get it looking nice A.S.A.P so i cant get a tenant into it.


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    simon, aka morgage hunter

    you wouldnt happen to know how long it takes to get your FHOG when applying by yourself would you, a minor detail, but one thing govornment bodys arnt renound for is their speed!

    so a general time frame would be a help as the property i’m looking at would need some renovations, and most of my money would be used on deposit, fees and so on.. so i’d wanna get it looking nice A.S.A.P so i cant get a tenant into it.


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    thats the deal, tho it does make things a bit more difficult, i’m currently thinking about using my FHOG.. the only trouble i’ve faced is that.. if you use a autorised FHOG agent (being most banks, lenders, credit unions) you can receive the $7,000 to use as part of your deposit or to atleast pay stamp duty and costs.

    but as the as the bank knows i already have a house, and only ever see’s things in black and white they are not willing to forward my application as their qualifying is a lot more simplistic “has your name ever been on a title?”
    and only if the answer is no, will they forward it, at least this is the case with the lender i’ve delt with.

    i can still forward the application to the SRO myself but then the monies only becomes available after settlement, meaning after i’ve payed a deposit, stamp duty and cost out of my own pocket, which is fine if you have the money or family to borrow off for a couple of days/weeks untill the payment comes through

    could someone who has done the application themselfs maybe tell me how long it take to receive teh money, as the website only say “after settlement”


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    you have to be able to prove that you have lived in the house, so if you changed all you details.. licence, car insurance, postal address and so on to the address that you used to the gain the FOHG you should be fine, its really upto you how game you are, you could change you details on monday, and change them back again on tuesday, personaly i’d be waiting around 6months..

    also so for the first home owners grant.. the “first” can be chopped off if your lucky enough like me.. i bought an investment property a couple of months ago.. am i still able to get the grant… YES!!

    the rules are:

    have you purchased a house before 2001 blah blah blah

    and the next one..

    have you purchased and LIVED in a house after 2001 blah blah, leaving me still able to use my 1st home owners grant, yeah your right, its sounds shonky, and is, but i’ve rang up the SRO (state revenue office) multiple times and every time the answer is..
    SRO “yes your still able to use it”
    ME “your sure”
    SRO “positive!”


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    thanx for the help kids, its a bank repo job so ya cant buy before the action, anywho thanks i’m sure i’ll use your advise in the future.


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    i bought in country vic, but like many areas now its well past its +ve cash flow investing days, as the growth as been massive


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    i used to sleep from about 12 – 5am but no i’ve started a new job so i go to sleep at at about 9 and get up at 5 to work a 12 hour day


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    arhh i got how ya did it now!!
    had me f*#ked!


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    i dont know, but there is 25 in the till, the man has 2 and the other guys each have there 3 back, and that adds upto 30, so i dont know where ya $1 is!


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    good on ya mate!

    i really dont have any ideas on how you can get started, exept for to buy one!

    if you dont have alot of cash, maybe ask your parents to help, they should be glad you want to do something +ve with your money (and maybe a little of theres [:D])

    i got my first one when i was 19 (i’m 20 now), but i didnt do much further education and started working on an above average wage, so i was lucky there, one thing i’ll say is, dont expect people to listen to you or take much notice of you at our age, maybe get a parent or someone older to go around looking at houses with you.

    i dont know why, everyone just thinks your a time waster or a dreamer or something, it’s not until you actually hand over the $$$ they start paying you some attention, now i have estate agents calling me!

    go one son, go on, you’ll get there, oh and if you’ve reaserched something and think you have a good knowledge of it, beleive in yourself, expecially in this sort of cliamate, everyone was telling me to hold of for intrest rates to go up, i didnt listen to them and in 2 months prices have gone up 30%. just buy when YOUR ready and willing!


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    my girl friend is one of 7 children!!!!

    he cryed when he received all his fathers day presents, quite touching really


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    hey all, i’m 20 got my first one when i was 19..
    hopefully getting my second one this saturday..
    fingers crossed!


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    lol, yeah, unfortanitly i’m still stuck at work.. 20 more minutes to go.. then i’m off! [:D]


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    i’m 20, have 1 +ve IP, carefully looking for the second while my money is invested in shares..

    i think when everyone is going property, property, property, i’ll be buying shares, and when everyone is going shares, shares, shares, i’ll be buying property.. it only makes sense to me…

    i bet in another 3 or 4 years there will be a story every second night on the idoit box how shares made this person and that person rich


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    i’m pretty sure if its your PPOR u dont ever have to pay CGT


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    let me get this straight, you cant cover the cost of one investment property, so you want to buy a second one to make up the difference?

    what happends if you dont find a tenent for the second IP, or if both IP’s become vacant!?


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
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    i would suggest you have at least an extra 5% of your purchase price set aside so u can pay for the cost, stamp duty.. and so on and so fifth.

    it can get quite costly by the end


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    Profile photo of neologismneologism
    Join Date: 2003
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    LOC = line of credit


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