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  • Hi Anne-Marie,

    We purchased a block of land in Bowen earlier this year and are currently in the early stages of negotiating our construction of a home. I've been up there and spoken to RE Agents, Developers, Builders and such and have found whom seems to be a great property manager (Suggested by many as the best). I'd be more than happy to pass…[Read more]

  • Nel66 replied to the topic Too late to invest in Bowen? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 10 months ago

    Hi all,

    I was actually in Bowen yesterday and spent about 4 hours being shown around the area by a local. It was a fly in, fly out visit encompassing Mackay as well over a period of 3 days.

    The first thing I noticed about Bowen is how spread out it is. There are house and land packages being sold in quite a few parts of the town. I was fortunate…[Read more]


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