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  • Nehal replied to the topic no job, no loan :( in the forum Finance 20 years ago

    [aacool] hye…hav u guys read about jamie mctyre and his theories.

    when you connect his ideas with Steve’s, there will be a new good investing theories..

    so think about it

    Nehal Rajan Singh

  • Nehal replied to the topic no job, no loan :( in the forum Finance 20 years ago

    you guys are right,

    look i am 15 years old, and i dont know how i got into investing..its amazing and your (Steves)website and all the memebers incl staffs had helped me so much…..
    I read few books of ivesting, and having a great lifestyle and i know in the next 4 years i will be successful..
    I planned it all from my profession..
    I’d like to…[Read more]

  • Nehal replied to the topic no job, no loan :( in the forum Finance 20 years ago

    thank you very much,

    i knew all that stuff before but wanst that sure about the loan..
    but i think its a good idea to get a loan from your parents because i’m 100% sure i’ll b successful in investing..

    Nehal Rajan Singh

  • Nehal replied to the topic no job, no loan :( in the forum Finance 20 years ago

    Good points made,

    So you mean, i hav to get a job and pay of the loan… ok, this is wat i want to do..
    i want to buy a investment property and i want loan to buy it.I only have a part-time job and im going through uni.
    is it possible?

    Nehal Rajan Singh

  • Nehal replied to the topic property and rent in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    ok…thanks pplz..i get it..

    ok read this….. have you ever wonder who speaks thought in you?? not your brain… Brain just sends orders but who really speaks to your thoughts….
    just look at a blank wall and think about it?
    it could be your inner presence…
    but think about it carefully…

    Nehal Rajan Singh

  • Nehal replied to the topic property and rent in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    i know you think i’m dumb, but i’m not..
    Im just a 15 yr old boy who wants to get more information about property and rent to headstart my future…


    Nehal Rajan Singh

  • Nehal replied to the topic property and rent in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    but do i need any qualification/cerificates to do this?

    Nehal Rajan Singh

  • Nehal replied to the topic help me make more money? please :) in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Thats a good idea you’ve got there but i need find out how i can make money easily and happily with no stress at the age of 16?

    Nehal Rajan Singh

  • Nehal replied to the topic Questions about Jamie McIntyre in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago

    hey jamie,

    im just a 15 year old guy who want to know more about investing and be rich to help people who are poor and enjoying my life. Please give me a solution….thanks

    Nehal Singh

    Nehal Rajan Singh
