Need2Succeed replied to the topic Sydney Property Manager in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Thanks all,
Have done the rounds with 6 REAs and all seem to be 7-8%.
Will be seeing people from later this week.
Its in Lane Cove, chan$.
Scully the 5%, you mention is that all inclusive or are there “hidden” charges. One REA came over charging 5.5%, but looking through their doco, it had additional charges for things like…[Read more]
Need2Succeed replied to the topic Rober Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad/Poor Dad in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago
According to powwow he is at the gold coast in June.
Need2Succeed replied to the topic Feedback on in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago
Thanks for your responses. esp about trusts.