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  • nazzysmith replied to the topic One Question IQ Test in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years ago

    Stiched me up big time!!!!!! DOH!!!!!!


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic RESULTS Mentoring Program in the forum Heads Up! 19 years ago

    Same here guys , I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.
    On top of that there is nothing to stop me from leaving the program right now and saving myself alot of money. However as you correctly pointed out there is a hell of alot to be learned from the program.
    And I have no intention of leaving. To date there have been many mind blowing…[Read more]

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic Looming recession in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Sydney more likely will have higher rental returns, considering there is a short fall of investors…


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic RESULTS Mentoring Program in the forum Heads Up! 19 years ago

    I felt a bit ripped off too, when they released the same folder and info for free.
    Also agree that we are guinea pigs in a sense, and the next intake will not have the same problems.
    Agreeably there is a lot on offer, I certainly would not be where I am now without the program.
    However this program is not for everyone. Please understand it will…[Read more]

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic Polishing up old floorboards in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    Just polished floor boards in our IP. In all honestly having seen the floors freshly polished, they look unreal.
    Just make sure that your boards are in ok condition.
    For my IP polishing worked out to 16 dollars a m2 Paying somone else to do it.This Worked out cheaper than carpet, with a much better finish.


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic Any one Want a spare ticket to the Reno Kings in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Is there anybody out there…


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic macleay island ? in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Ditto…..Its highly unlikely to happen.


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic macleay island ? in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Personally having a spent a fair bit of time looking at the islands. I would not invest there. I dont feel like writing an essay so I will just touch on a few issues.
    During the boom that market was running red hot. Hundreds of blocks of land were sold to Sydney siders and other states site unseen. All that cheap land below 20k. That was the time…[Read more]

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic first homebuyers grant Q? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Yes Residency requirements state that one of the applicants must reside in the premisis for a minimum of 6 months. And this must commence within 12 months of purchase.
    You loose the grant and have to repay the exemption.


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic Investing Opportunities in the USA-Please Hurry in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    mods over here


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic wealthguardian in the forum Heads Up! 19 years ago

    You will get it for cheaper on the day at the seminar. As there are discounts available on the day.
    Ive got it and highly reccomend it. Its one of the best resources I have. Check in the archives for other topics like this one, seems to pop up regularly . With similar positive feedback.


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic Westpac – 85% – No LMI in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Teachers Credit union has offered a 85% LVR (no LMI) on most loans for a long time already. Surely there are other credit unions offering the same.
    Perhaps if the big 4 follow suit, Credit unions may lower there deposit requirements as well.


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic Martin Ayles Book in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Hi all,
    Yes it was a good read. Although be warned it has nothing to do with developing, rather it is a mindset book.
    Definetly worth the read…

    P.S Herman Do you think Martin will mind you throwing his email up like that?


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic Martin Ayles Book in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi all,
    Yes it was a good read. Although be warned it has nothing to do with developing, rather it is a mindset book.
    Definetly worth the read…

    P.S Herman Do you think Martin will mind you throwing his email up like that?


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic Is the online shop safe? in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 19 years ago

    Same here, have bought several items from here over the net on credit card no dramas whatsoever….


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic People are getting desperate to sell in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Talking to a couple of REA’s here in western Sydney. 1 agency is selling 2 houses a day. Others have picked up also.
    They pointed out that vendors where starting to realise yesterdays prices are long gone. And are now meeting the market.
    I still feel however that these bargain prices are not such bargains. Just a true indication of its real value…[Read more]

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic Structure Help Please in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Hi All,

    I was of the opinion that you needed your structure in place before you signed the contract. Do you leave yourself open to action by the ATO by setting the trust up after signing?
    I think i read somwhere else it will throw up a few red flags with regard to tax evasion?

    I believe troynbec are doing a buy reno sell.

    If your doing a reno…[Read more]

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic What are your experiences with motor mechanics? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Im a mechanic also
    I did my apprentiship at a Major dealership.
    A trust worthy mechanic is money in the bank…


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic A Hypothetical Question. in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    I agree with Gross. Depends who the solicitors are. IF they where mine. And had done my due dilligence for me. THen id sign without even reading it!


    “More Time To Snowboard”

  • nazzysmith replied to the topic Goal – $100 a week in 1 year. in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    I agree with Derek. However If your prepard to downsize then I would consider selling and renting.
    How much equity do you have and how much is it returning in this current market?

    Considering you live in it. It is more then likely dead money not returning anything.

    ie. If you own 400K you could
    -bank it at 5.6%.
    -Reap a retun of 430.76 a…[Read more]

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