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  • navymt replied to the topic Rick Otton..seminars in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    hi i went to the recent intor night in sydney and it was fan-diddly-tastic. i am only new to the investment game and it helped me more than i could have imagined. i recomend it to anyone who has asked about it.

    i wanna be freeeeeeee

  • navymt replied to the topic Innisfail, QLD – $50-80k IPs in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    what is the vacancy rate. and what is the average rental prices. isnt there alot of seasonl workers who rent there?

    i wanna be freeeeeeee

  • navymt replied to the topic 11 seconds properties – how far they are? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hi fudge,
    firstly i am only fairly new here too. welcome to the forums. they are a great wealth of knowledge. you will learn just about everything you need to know by reading the various threads in the forum. you can search for specific info you require by using the seacrch tool at the top of the page. secondly i recommend that you read…[Read more]

  • navymt replied to the topic “Cashflow” game players Sydney in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    hey andrew i dont know of any groups that play the game but if you are short of people, then we would be more than willing to help fill the spots


    i wanna be freeeeeeee

  • navymt replied to the topic what is your goal? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    we want to be able to quit the navy in about ten or so years and have enough passive income to not work anymore should we not want to.

    i wanna be freeeeeeee

  • navymt replied to the topic 100% $ from banks?? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    LMI lenders mortgage insurance
    PPOR primary place of residence

    i wanna be freeeeeeee

  • navymt replied to the topic Terry Ryder off Steves Xmas card list in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    steve tehre are more people who are saying good things about you then there are saying bad. i work in the navy and in the past week you have been a hot topic of conversation after TT. I have infact directed many of those people to view your site and see what it is all about. now they are aking me how they can do it too. well as i havnt done my…[Read more]

  • navymt replied to the topic How old are you?? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    live in sydney
    no IPs yet but first coming this year

    i wanna be freeeeeeee

  • navymt replied to the topic any seminars of interest to new investors in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    thanx heaps for that. you raised quiet a few common sense questions and things to look for. but still i hadnt thought of them. Of the things i have been told and the properties i have seen i have applied the 11 second rule to them to see where they are at. i will use your info every time i go to a seminar or talk to a RE agent. tanx[:)]

    i…[Read more]

  • navymt replied to the topic any seminars of interest to new investors in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    how do we go about finding people who want to enter into a wrap?

    i wanna be freeeeeeee

  • navymt replied to the topic any seminars of interest to new investors in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    after reading 0-130 i am very interested in the notion of wrapping. i want to know more about it. is it worth buying the wrap kit now or should i wait untill just before i am ready to start purchasing IPs.

    thanx for your info slim

    i wanna be freeeeeeee

  • navymt replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    hi there i am a marine technician in the Roayl Australian Navy. love the job but want to be able to leave in about 10-15 years and not have to work again. i hope i can create a passive income from +ve CF propreties to do this[;)]

    i wanna be freeeeeeee

  • navymt replied to the topic new to the game in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    we have recently seen a couple of 2 bed units in cairns for between 80-90K ea, with rental returns around 160/Wk. we were looking at saving around 70-80K in around 2-3 yrs and then bying say 2 properties in similar value to these (if they still exist). i was only wondering if we would be better to save say 20K in the next 12 months and buy one…[Read more]

  • navymt replied to the topic Purchasing far away in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi, i see you are considdering buying property without looking at it first. i cant really say i am an expert in this matter as i have never done it. but i have bought a car once without looking at it first. i relied on the salesman to tell mee all about it. needless to say, it was a dud. you are relying on the real estate agent to tell you…[Read more]
