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  • nathywally replied to the topic um…..anyone like these numbers? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago

    i got this prop from a newcastle buyers agent, purchasing in america. i have sine found out about the buffalo area and the economic decline it has been in. so i am not sure, but it is a set of units, i think it was 8×2 bedroom, next to a military base. on
    might be interesting.


  • nathywally replied to the topic where to go from here? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago

    ok, cool that helps.
    good idea gross, just a couple of q’s.
    that 20% vendor finance needs to some how get back to the vendor. it seems that this property (shop) is $57 per week +ve, thats great, but won’t I need to give that to the vendor? i am not sure about how vendor finance works. I have herd of it, but not sure of the in’s and out’s. so my…[Read more]


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