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  • Profile photo of NathyDNathyD
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 4

    This is great info.

    I was looking at DH about 9months ago, caught my eye.. although something about it just didnt fit and to mention the ones here in port adelaide arent cashflow positive, as most of them arent anyways.  Cheers for the insight to how brutal the DFA can be, as some people on here have mentioned its been great for them… but by the sounds of it… its definitely a big risk.. it would be ignorant of me to think that it would be all peaches and cream. its definitely turned me away from them for now.

    Profile photo of NathyDNathyD
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 4

    Hope im not hi-jacking the convo here, but i hadnt really heard of these 'in-house auctions'.. Makes sense though.  I'd guess you would pick up some great bargains from it but at the same time you would get some real lemons.  'Bargains' doesnt quite fit term for buying cheap realestate doesnt it… Too antic roadshow like!!  Has anyone had success from these auction, more so to buying property?

    Sorry for the hi-jacking of the convo

    Profile photo of NathyDNathyD
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 4

    Hey Kate,

    Congrats on the new property and good luck.  Just one thing, if that link is a picture of the 'worst house in the street' then the one i did up was an absolute dump!! Luckly i made a decent profit from it otherwise i wouldnt have even let my cats die in there. hahaha!

    All the best!

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