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  • Nathanh replied to the topic Build or Buy in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Thanks a lot for your input guys i really appreciate it. My fisrt venture will be small and i will under take it with others say 2-4 people in total. I know a bucket load of tradesman etc so i have a few hassels ironed out there. As for materials i know all about the shortage, bricks are bad and apparently so is limestone. As for the market it has…[Read more]

  • Nathanh replied to the topic Build or Buy in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Hi Sue,

    Thanks for your reply. Iam unexperienced in th red factor but the best way to learn is dive in as i have a pretty sound building knowledge and will go through a builder for my first few. I know about the capital gains side of things also. One question though if you buy land and develop does the 12 months start when i purchase the land or…[Read more]


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