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  • Profile photo of nathan89nathan89
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 13

    Thanks for the replies everyone. I found a builder who was happy to come through for $100. Unfortunately what I would have liked to have done wasn't feasible. Think I may need to start off with something a bit simpler to get some experience under my belt. So good having forums like this available though!



    Profile photo of nathan89nathan89
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 13

    thanks heaps for that. It's so hard choosing the right course to do with so many out there. Thankfully these forums are here though. Such a big help!

    Profile photo of nathan89nathan89
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 13

    ahh I did try searching but obviously didn't use the right terms. Still learning how to use the forums. Thanks so much for the help!

    Profile photo of nathan89nathan89
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 13

    I didn't realise she had any introductory programs. There doesn't seem to be any mention of them on her website. I'm still trying to work out my strategy.  I'll have a look into the results program and see if it would be more suitable. I do like the thought of being able to buy rundown property cheaper and put the work in to increase it's value though. Thanks for the info :)

    Profile photo of nathan89nathan89
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 13

    Thanks for that Richard. I would like to have the property in my name only but as I don’t yet have a job where I am moving to my broker has told me the bank will not approve a loan despite otherwise qualifying for it. Hence why my mother and I were hoping that she may be able to co-sign on the loan with me and be provided with the negative gearing benefits. I will talk to my broker about other options and see what he says. Thanks for your help.



    Profile photo of nathan89nathan89
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 13

    Hi Lozsta,

    I know it’s been a while since you made the post but I was searching the forums for information about Wandoan as I am considering buying there. Just wondering if it is 17 East St that you had the contract on?



    Profile photo of nathan89nathan89
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 13

    Thanks for that info Richard, I spoke to my broker and he told me that I can have up to 4 units on 1 title before it will be classed as commercial. Unfortunately the owner didn’t accept my offer so I’m back on the hunt. All part of the fun i guess.

    Thank you for the kind words Angel, you’re quite right it is quite a daunting task but exciting at the same time. Hopefully I’ll be able to find the right property to start off my portfolio.

    Kind regards,


    Profile photo of nathan89nathan89
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 13

    Hi Richard, what do you mean by a residential deal sorry? It’s not a term I’ve come across yet?



    Profile photo of nathan89nathan89
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 13

    Thank you very much for all of that advice and information Angel. A bit of additional info that I forgot to mention is that thanks to RPData I found out the owner paid $790k for the property in 07 and there hasn’t been much growth in units here. Especially in that suburb due to a Hedley project that has only recently been completed nearby due to them going bust. That has resulted in a slight oversupply of units in the area as many of them are yet to be sold.

    I spoke to the agent again today and told him I wouldn’t be offering any more than 850k unless the owner puts the DA back into council and gets it approved. He is putting that proposal to the owner so we’ll see how that goes. Still have a lot of due dilligence to do before my mum and I sign a contract or even if we sign it.

    Thanks again for your time and information.



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