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  • nathan210 replied to the topic First IP – a couple of Q’s pls!!! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Welcome to the forum pixel,

    some answers to some of your questions:

    1) Conveyancer or solicitor?

    If you have like minded friends/family or you know a few people that have purchased property in the past, ask them how they went about the purchase and the method that they used.

    Have they bought more than one property using the same method? Have…[Read more]

  • nathan210 replied to the topic ADELAIDE in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago


    Grew up in Adelaide for 23 years, then moved to lovely NSW 6+ years ago.

    We bought south of Adelaide in Jan 2004 with a guarantor and very minimal savings, 100% plus costs PI loan.

    In under 2 years the property increased by over 20%, so we then refinanced with another bank on an IO loan and haven’t looked back.

    At the time it seemed…[Read more]

  • nathan210 replied to the topic To loan or Not to loan in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Thanks Terry.

    If we decide to keep the shares and obtain a margin loan against them, what sort of ratio can we borrow against them? ( ie 70% 80% of value )

    Then, would this interest then be deductable because the loan is against the shares, even though we have used the cash taken from the loan for a private purchase?

    And if we choose…[Read more]

  • nathan210 replied to the topic Rural zoning & Sunset clauses – What do they mean? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Thanks for the replies!

    AUSPROP, your explanation of the ‘sunset clause’ was very appropriate for our situation, thanks heaps!


    It is only your thoughts that create your future – Be careful what you think!

  • nathan210 replied to the topic Mentoring Needed Urgently in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Simon,

    If Zaksta has already purchased an IP, is it still possible for them to claim the FHOG?

    I too have purchased an IP only (1st property purchae) about 18 months ago and would be very interested in learning about the ability to claim the FHOG, as we are ready to buy another property…..

    We too purchased on 100% finance with an P&I loan,…[Read more]

  • nathan210 replied to the topic Backpacking O/S in 12mths and looking to buy-HELP in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi bs,

    if you just sold a property that you owned, then how do you figure you can legally get the FHOG being that it is for First Home Owners?


    It is only your thoughts that create your future – Be careful what you think!

  • nathan210 replied to the topic using shares as security to reach 80% LVR? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago


    correct. i have no desire or time at the moment to even think about becoming a share trading ‘guru’ and would not see this as a viable solution for us – at the moment.

    when the shares are finally transferred to my name i may call on you The Mortgage Adviser with advice on how to re-structure our current loan to make it a bit more…[Read more]

  • nathan210 replied to the topic Adjoining fence falling but unwilling neighbour in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks for the replies.

    There are varied perceptions of the same situation which is excellent. I will look at fixing the fence at my own cost and have the advantages of choosing what i want put up, and which way it faces etc. etc.

    Thanks again [biggrin]

    It is only your thoughts that create your future – Be careful what you think!

  • nathan210 replied to the topic Calculating CF + in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    welcome to the forum michael.

    it all depends on a lot of variables when ‘crunching the numbers’.

    what you need to take into account is what you would determine the estimated yearly costs for owning/managing any specific property are going to be, by investigating through various sources: R/estate agents, government, local rental markets etc. then…[Read more]

  • nathan210 replied to the topic Buy 2nd IP or pay down 1st IP loan? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    With a 95%LVR: is it possible to do this (95%LVR)on an IO loan and also pay for MI as we do not have 20% as a deposit?

    Then we could use the remaining $ from the $20K (after MI and refinance costs are taken out) to purchase another property?

    It is only your thoughts that create your future – Be careful what you think!

  • nathan210 replied to the topic Buy 2nd IP or pay down 1st IP loan? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    yep, subsidising we are [crying], but this is something we have realised before purchasing the property.

    i too feel obligitory to increasing the LVR to 80% in order for mum [party] to be ‘free’ and so that we can also feel free to choose what we do with this and susequent properties (as there will be more, but maybe not in the form of subsidising…[Read more]

  • nathan210 replied to the topic Buy 2nd IP or pay down 1st IP loan? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Thanks for your feedback.

    The IP is south of Adelaide and we purchased it in January 2004 for 172K, and has been valued in August 2004 at around 185K. We have since had tenants move out who were paying $165/week rent and a new tenant move in paying $180/week rent.

    The house is tired but structurally sound, and could use a good paint job and some…[Read more]

  • nathan210 replied to the topic Land subdivision question in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago


    It is in south oz so may need written consent by the sounds of it. would a solicitor be the best person to ask this question of?

    It is only your thoughts that create your future – Be careful what you think!

  • nathan210 replied to the topic Quick fix? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks guys & girls, some very valuable insights for me to take a look at.

    The $20K reno in approx 3 years will consist of a rear deck, front fence (brick and wood) and an interior o/haul – paint, blinds (?), sanding floor boards, kitchen revamp etc in order to increase equity by around $65K – current value 185K to 250K in 3 years from now, as…[Read more]

  • nathan210 replied to the topic Quick fix? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks Terry [biggrin]

    It is only your thoughts that create your future – Be careful what you think!

  • nathan210 replied to the topic Re bond requirements for lease options in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago

    “You certainly are not elligible for the FHOG on the execution of a Lease Option.”

    Is that to say that when the tennant decides to exercise the option to buy the property they will NOT be eligible for the FHOG if it is the first house they are purchasing?

    If the above statement is true, this would seem a bit un fair or am I missing…[Read more]

  • nathan210 replied to the topic CGT issue? in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago

    Cool, that makes life a bit easier to read.

    As i currently am renting, the idea behind this is that me and my partner wish to invest again, as well as my mum, but at the same time we wish to buy a place to live in as well. with this situation, i will be paying lower per week than my current rent, my partner a little bit more than her current…[Read more]

  • nathan210 replied to the topic CGT issue? in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago

    Thanks guys, very helpful.

    As mum is already claimimg her current house as PPOR, then if we paid her 1/3 of the current market value in rent (1/3 of $150 = $50), then would she be able to -vely gear her 1/3 share?

    It is only your thoughts that create your future – Be careful what you think!

  • nathan210 replied to the topic Questions for first timer in the forum General Property 20 years ago


    your numbers so8und inspiring. oz or internatrional? either way, what was your research or personal background to confirm or be confident about these deals?

    It is only your thoughts that create your future – Be careful what you think!

  • nathan210 replied to the topic South Australia in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    We bought an IP south of Adelaide just under 12 mths ago and the value at the last check up – about 2 months – ago was about 7.5% growth in value, but i believe the market to be slowing down to a steady growth rate.

    The areas that are asking higher prices are the beach front properties, but they are staying on the market longer so are therefore…[Read more]

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