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  • Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    wrappack, in my message b4, i will never sell property only if i was financially unable 2 keep it.
    i belive that cg properties the house should only be like 5% of the propertys value
    so like i paid about 8% or so its still ok. like good rental, good cg’s and who cares what happens in 10-15 years time i can knock it down after the house has paid for the property.

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    what i was thinking is asking the agent i am going to use for management of property if they want to put their sign up there and manage my house for free….
    i think this would be something new but might be able 2 work something out with the agent!
    how much rent per week do u feel it would be worth….??? $15 per week

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    Hi guys,
    as i mentioned earlier i just brought my 1st IP,
    it is a -geard at moment but by next 3.5 years i want 10 +cf property to pay off the -geared one i just brought and mixing all of my investments.
    so i come off neutral geared.
    then buy homes which need like $30 per week donation to them but the land content will of course go up so then i appreciate both cg and +cf.

    I am a real estate agent, thingwith properties is they never really loose value, coz what u pay today will still be worth double in 7 years.
    i have seen crap homes sell in like 99 that couldnt sell for ages and now the come backl on market like 200,000 above what they were 2 years ago(they hav like creeks, power lines etc…), even +cf shitty small towns do go up in value just that u dont notice it all that much because prices are relativly cheap.
    anyways guys thats my two cents worth.
    remember KEEP INVESTING,
    BTW i would never sell real estate (even though i do it for a living) i would never sell mine, only if u fal in a position of cant affording repayments.

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    Thanks heaps guys for all of your posts, i brought this place like 5 weeks ago it settles now on monday.
    as an investment in sydney it adds up to be good i could have haggeled other homes in area bit better presentation but in rougher parts for same money maybe…. or prob lil bit dearer.
    thanks once again, kay… i mean i want to get another one by september out in the sticks this one is not in the sticks….
    H.C yeh sounds like we think the same…. my figures all stack up alright i am not to knowledgeable on termites but they r in the house…. maybe….and i got $17,000 off already negotiated price.
    too small at moment for duplax but maybe in like 5 years
    also i have a side fence on it 6’foot high i wanna get a bussiness 2 advertise on it and pay rent….how much rent should i charge?? who should i approach, it not bust street at all…. its quiet but yet has lot of people walk/drive past at times… so yeh….
    houses under $300K are few and far in between now, and will become scarece as 1st home buyers need something.!
    when M7 motorway comes through it will be even better again!

    regards Nathan

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    Thankyou guys for all your thoughts on my property!
    i will let you all know how it goes!
    settles on thursday![biggrin]

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    Thankyou guys for all your thoughts on my property!
    i will let you all know how it goes!
    settles on thursday![biggrin]

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    its solid concrete slab construction,
    they said evidence of past activity, and they could “possibley” be in wall, and roof, big BUT.
    its cheap for sydney and will gain capital growth for me, and then more equity.
    the roof wasnt sagging or anything from my memory, and the building inspection did not even pick up any evidence, just the pest report picked all of it up!
    they couldnt get into the roof to see if there was or was not.

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    the pest inspector said probably 10,000 damage + then about $2500 to repar the termites
    i got $17000, off my already negotiated price.
    so all up i got $32,000 off. if i was to demolish and start all over which i dont have to do it would be like $15000 + $65000 for cheap building.

    land value for the area well… land doest sell there coz there isnt any new land but there was 1 sub divisiion in a surrounding housing commission area for sale for 189-210 but that main road and houseo….

    my estimations would be about 225,000 for the land?
    maybe $23,000 for the house.
    so it was good buy considering i have a 10 year rental property there![biggrin]

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    the pest inspector said probably 10,000 damage + then about $2500 to repar the termites
    i got $17000, off my already negotiated price.
    so all up i got $32,000 off. if i was to demolish and start all over which i dont have to do it would be like $15000 + $65000 for cheap building.

    land value for the area well… land doest sell there coz there isnt any new land but there was 1 sub divisiion in a surrounding housing commission area for sale for 189-210 but that main road and houseo….

    my estimations would be about 225,000 for the land?
    maybe $23,000 for the house.
    so it was good buy considering i have a 10 year rental property there![biggrin]

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    i belive that the property how it sits i can get about 10-15 years rental out of it.
    then i dont care, like id doubt a house will fall down because there may or may not be termites in it.
    There have been people living in it now for some time and it has concrete floor, + i plan on treating them i not concerened about repairing it, that il just keep in me pocket.

    thereason why i want a property in a rural area like 10000 people approx is because they are in expensive and they have good rental returns.

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    thanks rugbyfan,

    i guess u from sydney.

    this is near mount druitt.
    if u know the market there at all they normally go for like 330,000 for a b/v @ 25 years old,
    so this hardiplank beauty is a good little starter i belive.
    i have to add 200$ per week to it but yeh it cost $248,000 and i plan on spraying termites for $2500, and then renting it out, the fact termites are in it wouldnt affect my rental prospects as it looks like good order and should archive about $210 per week.
    next property is by september and that will be a dump in the sticks for +cf to help fund this one.

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    yeh in walls and ceiling,
    it is on a concrete slab, so not in floor, i will get it sprayed.
    there is no tenant at moment, the pest inspector said to follow up every month. so it sounds pretty bad but on the otherhand it is cheap and paid next 2 land price.
    it is an investment after all, and it is liveable you know…… but it has past termite activity.
    thats a $30,000 price reduction, cant be termites in floor. only in walls/roof.

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    yeh in walls and ceiling,
    it is on a concrete slab, so not in floor, i will get it sprayed.
    there is no tenant at moment, the pest inspector said to follow up every month. so it sounds pretty bad but on the otherhand it is cheap and paid next 2 land price.
    it is an investment after all, and it is liveable you know…… but it has past termite activity.
    thats a $30,000 price reduction, cant be termites in floor. only in walls/roof.

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    Where abouts should i be looking to buy property that fits those categorys?
    like 25k?? for 100pw return

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    Thanks Chan,

    I am in process of looking for my new property, i just dunno how to do the figures on populations and stuff, i found some good ones which return $110pw on a $58000 purchase, but they only have like 2000 people in the township they currently have tenants in them but, u know….. just nerves.
    they r like 7 hours out of sydney.

    Profile photo of Nathan Birch

    Thanks Chan,

    I am in process of looking for my new property, i just dunno how to do the figures on populations and stuff, i found some good ones which return $110pw on a $58000 purchase, but they only have like 2000 people in the township they currently have tenants in them but, u know….. just nerves.
    they r like 7 hours out of sydney.

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