Nathan Birch replied to the topic Buying properties (units) in NSW liverpool ? investment? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
I think you may have got lucky. I have been part say of hundreds of purchases and every time we see a 12 – 48 month ol purchase its 50 – 100 k less than original vendor paid. I know liverpool well and 370,000 is too expensive. You can buy 2 older units with 300 pw rents or a house for that price. Furthermore 10 yrs time thats going to be old…[Read more]
Nathan Birch replied to the topic Investing in the hunter valley – musswelbrook in the forum General Property 14 years ago
I purchased a run down property in Muswellbrook earlier this year and did a renovation.The market is strange, I can confirm I couldnt even find a room in a dodgy pub for lease whilst I was with my builders helping out. When it came to finding a tenant though the market retracted and there was a glut of furnished properties. I see potential for…[Read more]
Nathan Birch replied to the topic Who is going to Sydney 3day event? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
My number is 0406886284 just text me and I will meet everyone wherever you all are….Nathan.
Nathan Birch replied to the topic Can you still buy cheap properties which are positive cashflow or cheap in todays market?? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Thanks EV,Jamie the 370z is going good! Got my CSHFLO plates on it now so even better
Nathan Birch replied to the topic Can you still buy cheap properties which are positive cashflow or cheap in todays market?? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Hi bjsaust,Jamie is right, I have built rapport with agents all around NSW and Australia over the lat 8 – 10 years and its a matter of building rapport and completing deals to get first bite of the cherry when stuff comes on the market.I actually launched a product to help people find deals easier called Deal Finder to tap into my resources.Other…[Read more]
Nathan Birch replied to the topic Who is going to Sydney 3day event? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
mattnz wrote:
What are the chances you could be a speaker at the next one Nathan? Maybe have a chat with Steve McKnight. I think you could provide a good perspective on some of the opportunities out there that other speakers won't be covering.Not sure, could have a chat with steve at some time to discuss that option. Not sure how his…[Read more]
Nathan Birch replied to the topic The steps to watch for in the coming Australian housing correction in the forum General Property 14 years ago
p.s. The guy with the bull and bear avatar I LOVE IT! Classic!
Nathan Birch replied to the topic The steps to watch for in the coming Australian housing correction in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Hi Matt,The way I see it, is the governement doesnt want crisis on their hands. The thing I see is that if the tide moves too far the other way they will prop it up. They dropped rates 4% and doubled the FHOG because america was in trouble…. If Australia ends up in trouble I am sure the gov will step in to prop it up.Your right though people…[Read more]
Nathan Birch replied to the topic Can you still buy cheap properties which are positive cashflow or cheap in todays market?? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Thanks for the feedback everyone.I took some videos for those who are interested.
Nathan Birch replied to the topic Can you still buy cheap properties which are positive cashflow or cheap in todays market?? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Forgot;13) Development site in Sydney 1/3 acre with ability for 3 storey walk up units.Purchase price $410,000Comparable sales $450,000Rent $800Forgot to mention this as it is my first JV deal.
Nathan Birch replied to the topic How to build a 10 property portfolio in 3 – 5 years realistically on $50,000pa. in the forum Thanks for the feedback 14 years ago
Thanks for the feedback everyone.You cannot just stumble across 10% yields and the vendors dont know the value of what their property (product) is worth when selling.There are TWO must's when buying any property IMO and a further two which should always be taken on board.1) Buying below market value. This is based on recent sales and others on…[Read more]
Nathan Birch replied to the topic Who is going to Sydney 3day event? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Good stuff, I will be meeting a few forumites there also.
Nathan Birch replied to the topic How to build a 10 property portfolio in 3 – 5 years realistically on $50,000pa. in the forum larrytheinvestor wrote:Hey I 14 years ago
larrytheinvestor wrote:
Hey I was just wondering do the banks actually lend you so much money.. for example: I buy house number 1 with a loan of $170K and its neutral geared. Will the banks actually lend me more money to buy another house even thought i already have $170k dept? Is there not a limit that they will lend to a single individual on a…[Read more]Nathan Birch replied to the topic How to build a 10 property portfolio in 3 – 5 years realistically on $50,000pa. in the forum General Property 14 years ago
8-10% in Sydney quiet regularly….As for Nett worth, if I were to sell everything I would have $3.5mill.This is not a plan of mine, the next goal is 100 buy and hold properties by 2015. These are nothing special, and nothing risky, buy with a 20% deposit in, and cf+ reval and make loan 100% within 3-6 months of initial purchase. I hold close to…[Read more]
Nathan Birch replied to the topic How to build a 10 property portfolio in 3 – 5 years realistically on $50,000pa. in the forum Hi Larry,
I use to have 5 14 years agoHi Larry, I use to have 5 or 6 titles unencumbered, however recently I took it back to the bank and got loans upon them.When I left the workforce I did find it hard to obtain finances unemployed, so I pulled out a top up loan (equity) of around $200,000. I used this to buy damaged houses outright and fund their renovations. Cheapest houses were…[Read more]
Nathan Birch replied to the topic How to build a 10 property portfolio in 3 – 5 years realistically on $50,000pa. in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Sorry I meant 34 buy n holds at 25. Damn iphone.
Nathan Birch replied to the topic How to build a 10 property portfolio in 3 – 5 years realistically on $50,000pa. in the forum General Property 14 years ago
This is a method similar to what i used starting out. I use same principals today buy larger scale, if i didnt use my strategy i wouldnt be sitting on 24 buy and holds at age 25. Everyone has different circimstances which will differ. I see many ways to build a portfolio. Conducting this method correctly will see one build a solid portfolio…[Read more]
Nathan Birch replied to the topic Who is going to Sydney 3day event? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Hi Michael,Yep after all this time would be great to catch up and meet you.
Nathan Birch replied to the topic Who is going to Sydney 3day event? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Nah, only link was the one which got emailed to me but that was to enter my detail into. Check out the products page of this site or maybe email Steve or something.
Nathan Birch replied to the topic How to build a 10 property portfolio in 3 – 5 years realistically on $50,000pa. in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Congrats Tony.
Steve they are out there. I am in sydney but not all familiar with victoria market. I purchase mainly in NSW and some in QLD also.
The crest those numbers are Sydney based for my regional purchases they are all in 10000 population towns and 100k give or take and 200pw or 10%
Hope this helps
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