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  • Nathan replied to the topic Secrets to getting Top Price in selling Your Home! in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi Bill,

    Would like to get a copy of the info you mentioned.

    Many thanks,


  • Nathan replied to the topic how to select right mortage from so many brokers in the forum No Subject 21 years ago


    To narrow down the selection criteria, I like to look at the comparison rates for each loan that I am considering. Comparison rate legislation came in here in Qld this financial year. If you don’t know what a comparison rate is it would be worth while having a read about them. There are a lot of articles around at the moment that go into…[Read more]

  • Nathan replied to the topic letter from lender? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi fallout,

    If you get stuck, drop me an email at I can reject/ decline you really quickly, and it won’t affect your credit rating.

    What service!!



  • Nathan replied to the topic Mortgage Insurance formula! in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Nick,

    Terry is spot on!!! The premium that you pay for LMI is a scale from 80.01% to 97% +. LMI is calculated as a percentage of the loan amount. So the premium that you pay is relatively cheap in the low 80%s[:)

    There is also a difference if…[Read more]

  • Nathan replied to the topic An “if/then” contract…. in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi willi,

    My brain is not working at full speed this time of night, but i seem to remember reading somewhere that contracting to enter into a future contract is not legally binding.

    Eg if you were to draw up a contract with a potential wrapee to enter into an installment contract/ lease option agreement in the future, it would not be binding.

    I…[Read more]

  • Nathan replied to the topic Nearly here !!! in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Will be good to see the faces behind the typing!

    See you all there

    cheers and happy travelling,


  • Nathan replied to the topic What should I do with a home of $400K in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago


    Lenders look at two main things when it comes to approving a loan. 1. Equity/ Deposit. 2. Capacity.

    You may have money/ assets /equity in abundence, but if you cannot show that you are capable of repaying the loan, you will struggle.

    Do you have any other sources of income other than unemployment benefits?

    There are more flexibile…[Read more]

  • Nathan replied to the topic Cross collateralisation – how to avoid? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago


    Why do you want to avoid cross collateralising your properties? What is your investment strategy?

    It is hard to work out whether your scenario relates to cross collateralisation or not. Ask what the security is for your new loan. If it is only the new IP, then it should be a stand alone mortgage.

    What the NAB may be doing is increasing…[Read more]

  • Nathan replied to the topic overpriced? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Nick,

    It is always handy to have the ersidex report before you start negotiating, but having said that, it you have done your due dilligence, and the cashflow looks good, I would not be overemphasising the purchase price. If you are obtaining finance, ask them to do a full valuation on the property. (Hopefully the offer is subject to…[Read more]

  • Nathan replied to the topic THANKYOU in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    My pleasure!

    thank-you for the thank-you.

    All the best for your investment ventures



  • Nathan replied to the topic FINANCE PROBLEM in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Mouse,

    Institutions look at two main criteria when you apply for a loan. Capacity/servicability and Equity/Deposit. These are the limiting factors when you are trying to expand your portfolio (before being maxed out & using Steve’s advice).

    The capacity/servicability side of things is all about the question of what size loan can you afford…[Read more]

  • Nathan replied to the topic I smell a scam… in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    your positive attitude fills me with joy and happiness!


    Cheers, and keep up the good attitude


  • Nathan replied to the topic Book Title Contest… Win ‘The Lot’ in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago


    How about “A winning strategy”

    or “A win win stragegy”

    or even “A winning real estate strategy”



  • Nathan replied to the topic Book Title Contest… Win ‘The Lot’ in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Results from the latest brainstorming session:

    1) The keys to property investment and passive income.

    2) The master guide to property for positive cashflow

    3) A formula for wealth

    4) Making money with income producing properties

    5) The fasttrack to real estate riches

    6) Profitable real estate investment

    7) Successful strategies for…[Read more]

  • Nathan replied to the topic Book Title Contest… Win ‘The Lot’ in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Another one poped into my head:

    “The positive approach to people and property”

    make that 2 or 3!

    “People, property and positive cash flow”

    “People, property and financial freedom”



  • Nathan replied to the topic Book Title Contest… Win ‘The Lot’ in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Steve,

    My thoughts:

    “A passion for people and positive cashflow property”

    or lessening the mouthful

    “A passion for people and property”

    I am sure my english teacher would be proud of the alliteration!



  • Nathan replied to the topic Pit stop in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hope the tune up makes you feel as good as new!

    Here is to a speedy recovery,

    Cheers, and happy resting,


  • Nathan replied to the topic The one about the abandoned mine shaft… in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Entertaining story Steve. Should be a great book.

    It is amazing how much valuable information you can gain from a neighbour. Current tennants of potential investment puchases are also a great source of information. I have had a few happily give me a tour of the property pointing out everything that needs attention/ fixing. One of them did a…[Read more]

  • Nathan replied to the topic primealliance in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Grizzly,

    Checked out their web site. What sort of fees do they charge and how do they select investment properties for you? Brisbane is a big place!



  • Nathan replied to the topic Timing of ownership in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Prado,

    settlement is the answer!

    That was quick and easy!!

    Cheers, and happy investing,


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