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  • Nandos replied to the topic HELP! Who can I trust? Alarm bells in my ear in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 7 months ago

    I live in Keilor Downs, Melbourne, and I’d prefer to invest locally really. Somewhere like Caroline Springs (most delfin estates) or Point Cook way. Who can I start talking to?
    I earn over 70k, my wife also works and we have one child. We live in a new home built 2 years ago and recently valued at over 400k. Our debt is around 260k, so surely we…[Read more]

  • Nandos replied to the topic Book Intro… What Do You Think? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 8 months ago

    Hi every1.
    I am new to this list, so please forgive me if I seem rather crude with my following comments. Steve, I like the intro, but then again who wouldn’t? Isn’t the fact that like myself, people have joined this list because [a] they want to make money or , they are making money but want to know how to make more money smarter? Don’t get me…[Read more]


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