Forum Replies Created
i beleive my sister has made contact with you already and your advice has been very useful, thanks again to you and this forum. Little by little my sister is forming a strategy to go forward with good quality knowledge offered by the writers here.
myajmfactory 16.3.06 13.29pm
Again, thanks to you for this advice. I have now established the product Fox Symes are suggesting is basically a refinance package. I need to read their T & C`s to work out if this course is right for my sister.
I will post the progress (or otherwise) on this forum to see if it looks a good/bad deal to you`local` experts.
myjamfactory 16.3.06 – 09.19
Excellent, your input is invaluable.
Fox-Symes is the company and the warning you advise is sufficiently recent to ring alarm bells.
I`m maling my sister by the minute and have invited her to register and logon to this forum.I appreciate your time & effort.
myjamfactory 16.3.05 12.29
No, I don`t fully understand it either even after a protracted call with my sister earlier today. She mentioned a company name, Fox something,, that sounds like it is a loan company, apparantly a nation-wide company with TV ads. I think, I will get more details within tweleve hours. The re-fiance deal is 2 points higher than the current lend-rate i.e. 9% for the 12 months plus a bigger rake of the sale proceeds. I need to find FOX..? and read the website to understand if the deal is legit and if commonplace in Oz which I doubt somehow. My sister has enough on her plate and I dont want getting suckered by sharks
myjamfactory 16.3.05 11.42am