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  • mwb88 replied to the topic townsville accountants in the forum Legal & Accounting 10 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks Jamie,

    any recommendations? my current accountant doesnt really help me out much.


  • mwb88 replied to the topic Just wondering in the forum Finance 11 years ago

    Thanks Benny, some food for thought there, appreciate it

  • mwb88 replied to the topic Just wondering in the forum Finance 11 years ago

    Cheers guys, 

    The first property is in Townsville and the recent one is in Perth, my income various slightly but is generally between $150k to $200k pa. My partners income is approx $60k pa.
    The Townsville property is rented for 340 per week and I am hoping to get 380-400 pw for the new place. 

    I apologise if this is in the wrong…[Read more]


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