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  • murphy replied to the topic USA Distressed Houses Vs Condos in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 7 months ago

    The renovation required to bring a distressed house in the USA up to rentable level is more of an unknown quantity than a condo.
    And if you are in Australia attempting to do that, it’s a much bigger task. A condo generally just requires cleaning of carpets or replacement, a bit of a fix up here and there, perhaps a coat of paint. Sometimes the hot…[Read more]

  • murphy replied to the topic Aran Dunlop Interviews in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks for the interview Aran and Steve.
    Do you have any thoughts on the Las Vegas market?
    I know Steve mentioned in his last webinar that he wouldn’t invest there but did not go on to explain why.
    It seems the market there has yet to bottom out and there seems to be plenty of properties that can give us a net 15% return.
    And we found a few with…[Read more]


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